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Armenian Church Project On El Camino Real To Be Reviewed

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  • Armenian Church Project On El Camino Real To Be Reviewed


    Del Mar Times
    Nov 1 2012

    St. John Garabed Church, an Armenian church planned for El Camino Real,
    will be reviewed by the Carmel Valley Community Planning Board~Rs
    regional issues subcommmitee meeting on Nov. 7 at 4:30 p.m. at the
    Carmel Valley Library.

    The project came before the planning board for an update at its
    Oct. 25 meeting.

    The multi-phase project includes a 350-seat church, a 500-seat
    multi-purpose hall, a cultural and education center and a youth
    center in a ~Svillage-like~T cluster of buildings. At its highest
    the church will be 93 feet tall, the other two buildings will be 30
    and 40 feet tall.

    ~SWe weren~Rt able to achieve the sacred proportions of Armenian
    church architecture, where the height is greater than the width,
    because of the setting,~T said Dennis Hyndman, the architect for
    the project. ~SWe feel we~Rve done a good job changing the project
    but maintaining the traditional architecture that is important to
    Armenian people~EHopefully this project will enhance the community
    of Carmel Valley.~T

    According to Marcela Escobar-Eck, the land use planner for the site,
    the church has focused its development to a mesa top on the land to
    minimize the impact on natural resources on the site. The hope is to
    restore the surrounding open space area, benefit the wildlife corridor
    and enlarge the wetlands area.

    The access drive has proven to be the biggest challenges for the
    site, Escobar-Eck said. They tried to negotiate an easement using
    the neighboring Evangelican Formosan Church~Rs property but the
    church was unwilling to grant the easement. The access point will
    now be a driveway near the toe of the slope of the property. A short
    deceleration lane will be added for the entrance to the church and
    a short acceleration lane will be added for the right-only exit.

    From: Baghdasarian