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Film: Shekhar Kapur's Next On Armenian Genocide

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  • Film: Shekhar Kapur's Next On Armenian Genocide


    Hindustan Times
    Nov 2 2012

    The latest topic to catch filmmaker Shekhar Kapur's fancy is the
    Armenian genocide, and he knows it's going to be challenging. Kapur's
    latest film deals with the systematic extermination of minority
    Armenians in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) by the Ottoman Empire during
    and after the Great

    War (1915-1923). (The Armenians had been settled in Anatolia for
    generations after their tiny country in the Caucusus region northeast
    of Turkey was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1514) The event,
    termed genocide by Armenians the world over, caused the deaths of 1
    to 1.5 million ethnic Armenians in Anatolia.

    Kapur had recently tweeted that he was going to Yerevan, Armenia's
    capital, to collect material on the event. The idea, he said, came
    to him from a script sent by the man who wrote Motorcyle Diaries.

    "It is a part of world history though a very shameful one," Kapur
    said. "The idea came to me based on a script sent to me by the
    screenwriter of Motorcycle Diaries (Puerto Rican Jose Rivera). I fell
    in love with the script. It is a challenging project though. It will
    require lots of money, lots of passion and organisation. But there are
    a lot of passionate people behind this project. So it will hopefully
    see the light of day," he said.

    However, filming of the movie will not start before another year, says
    Kapur, who is yet to begin work on his long-pending movie on water
    wars, Paani. The Armenian genocide is a particularly touchy topic
    in the political state that succeeded the Ottoman Sultanate in 1923,
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Republic of Turkey.

    So taboo is the topic for both - the Turkish government and ordinary
    Turks, that a Nobel laureate like Orhan Pamuk was prosecuted and
    found himself on the hit list of a far-right Turkish group for openly
    stating that Turkey had committed genocide against the Armenians.

    Does Kapur fear inviting similar censure? "I invited the wrath of
    upper castes, the government and the censor board with Bandit Queen.

    But I did not back down. I believe in fighting for what I believe in,"
    he said, adding, "Moreover there has been a shift in Turkish society.

    Nobody from that period is alive today. The new generation believes
    that their nation is great and has to move on."

    From: Baghdasarian