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Svetlana Orlova: `NKconflict can be solved through negotiations'

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  • Svetlana Orlova: `NKconflict can be solved through negotiations'

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Nov 3 2012

    Svetlana Orlova: `Nagorno Karabakh conflict can be solved through negotiations'

    [ 03 Nov 2012 12:55 ]

    Baku. Ramil Mammadli - APA. `Russia considers that Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict can be solved through negotiations and discussions', Deputy
    speaker of Russia's Federation Council of Federal Assembly and
    co-chair of Azerbaijan-Russia Interparliamentary Commission Svetlana
    Orlova told journalists, APA reports.

    She said that her country supported the settlement of the conflict
    within the OSCE Minsk Group. According to her, Presidents of
    Azerbaijan and Russia, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin are taking
    serious measures on this issue: `Our position is to solve this problem
    through negotiations.'

    Svetlana Orlova didn't respond the question on the construction and
    opening of the airport in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by
    Armenia. Orlova said that she has no information about it.
