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Armenian Foreign Minister visits Mexico

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  • Armenian Foreign Minister visits Mexico

    New Europe, EU
    Nov 3 2012

    Foreign Minister visits Mexico

    November 3, 2012 - 10:39am

    During an official visit to Mexico, Armenia's Foreign Minister Edward
    Nalbandian met with Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, First Vice President of
    the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. At the meeting, Vieyra said the
    parliament of Mexico intends to contribute in the development of
    Armenian-Mexican ties, Armenia's Foreign Ministry said.

    For his part, Nalbandian said he was pleased with official Mexico
    City's assurance to support the OSCE Minsk Group's proposals for, and
    the efforts being exerted toward, in resolving the Karabakh conflict.
    He expressed hope that Mexico's new parliament will take practical
    steps to develop ties with Armenia. He mentioned the forging of a
    friendship group in Armenia's National Assembly (NA), with the Mexican
    Senate and Chamber of Deputies. In turn, the Chamber of Deputies will
    undertake the formation of a friendship group with NA, added Vieyra.
    The Armenian minister also had a separate meeting with representatives
    from the local Armenian community in Mexico.
