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Will Iran be attacked from Azerbaijan's territory?

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  • Will Iran be attacked from Azerbaijan's territory?

    Iranian website: Will Iran be attacked from Azerbaijan's territory?

    16:28 03/11/2012 » Region

    `Will Iran be attacked from Azerbaijan's territory?' So asks an
    article in

    The author of the article, citing Global Post's report, notes that
    according to intelligence officials, Iran's security services have
    concluded that Azerbaijan, its Muslim neighbor to the north, has been
    enlisted by Israel in a campaign of cyber attacks, assassinations and
    detailed military planning aimed at destabilizing and ultimately
    destroying Tehran's nuclear research program.

    Referring to assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists over the
    past several years, the author of the article writes: `As tensions
    between Israel and Iran have heightened and US and European talks on
    Iran's nuclear program have stalled, Iran has been rocked by a series
    of assassinations of senior Iranian nuclear scientists and at least
    one instance where a complex and damaging computer virus, called
    Stuxnet, was inserted manually into the servers of its nuclear
    program. Iranian officials have publicly blamed these attacks on the
    Israel's foreign intelligence agency. But US officials say Iran has
    recently concluded that the assassinations and other acts of sabotage
    have been orchestrated with the help of Azerbaijan.'

    Commenting on military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel, the
    author writes: `Drone aircraft had been among the $1.6 billion in
    weapons purchased by the Azeris. So Iran believes the link is much
    more substantial - to the point where they fear Israeli aircraft or
    special ops guys could be based on Azeri territory.'


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress