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Armenian Parliament is millionaires' club - newspaper

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  • Armenian Parliament is millionaires' club - newspaper

    Armenian Parliament is millionaires' club - newspaper
    November 03, 2012 | 08:34

    YEREVAN. - In line with the income declarations which the MPs of
    Armenia's National Assembly have filled, all of their combined
    monetary means have constituted more than $138 million as of March 3,
    2012, 168 Zham daily reports.

    `That is, each MP's average wealth is a bit more than $1 million.
    This, of course, is a ridiculous figure because this number is several
    dozens - if not, a hundred - times less than the real wealth of some of
    the MPs. This is proved by the fact that twelve MPs from the ruling
    party did not at all declared monetary means. And it has become
    apparent that some others have lived solely on the MP's salary for the
    past one year, but they drive a Porsche Cayenne [jeep], a Hummer, or,
    at the very least, a G-Class Mercedes [jeep].

    So, we may record that aside from being a legislative body, or [even]
    before that, Armenia's National Assembly is a millionaires' club
    which, for example, this year voted in favor of the bill on raising
    the [monthly] minimum wage by a whole AMD 2,500 [approx. $6],' 168
    Zham writes.
