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Gazprom, Hungary Sign Deal on South Stream Pipeline Stretch

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  • Gazprom, Hungary Sign Deal on South Stream Pipeline Stretch

    Gazprom, Hungary Sign Deal on South Stream Pipeline Stretch

    © AFP/ Sergei Supinsky19:35 31/10/2012MOSCOW, October 31 (RIA Novosti)

    Russian energy giant Gazprom and Hungary have signed a final
    shareholders' agreement to build the Hungarian stretch of the South
    Stream gas pipeline, Gazprom said in a statement on Wednesday.

    `The implementation of the project to build the South Stream gas
    pipeline jointly with our Hungarian partners is an important element
    of the new architecture of European energy security. This system can
    ensure uninterrupted gas supplies and provide Hungary long-term
    benefits and stability,' Gazprom Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said at
    the signing ceremony.

    The South Stream pipeline is intended to transport up to 63 billion
    cubic meters of natural gas to central and southern Europe,
    diversifying Russian gas routes away from transit countries such as

    Construction will start in December 2012. Russia plans to start using
    the pipeline in 2015.

    The pipeline's core shareholders include Gazprom with 50 percent,
    Italy's Eni with 20 percent and Germany's Wintershall Holding and
    France's EdF with 15 percent each.
