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Undp Adaptation Bulletin Showcases Initiatives In Armenia And Albani

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  • Undp Adaptation Bulletin Showcases Initiatives In Armenia And Albani


    IISD Reporting Services
    Nov 5 2012

    November 2012: The October issue of the UN Development Programme's
    (UNDP) quarterly Adaptation Bulletin features articles on: supporting
    climate change adaptation in Armenia and Albania; and training Asian
    government officials to internalize the economics of adaptation into
    national investment and planning decisions.

    In addition to the Armenian and Albanian projects, the Bulletin
    highlights UNDP support for similar adaptation initiatives in
    Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

    The Bulletin notes that the UNDP adaptation initiative in Armenia's
    mountain forest ecosystems integrated climate change risk management
    into biodiversity and forest management practices to address forest
    degradation and fragmentation, invasive species and wildfires. It
    indicates that the initiative recently introduced early warning
    systems and forest health monitoring tools to mainstream climate change
    risks into forest management planning. According to the Bulletin, the
    project has made significant progress in improving wildfire management
    through, inter alia, building disaster risk resilience, enhancing
    cross-institutional coordination and promoting national ownership.

    In Albania, the Bulletin describes how local communities in the
    Drini-Mati River Delta identified biodiversity and species loss,
    pressure on dunes and groundwater systems and threats to agriculture,
    infrastructure and tourism as key concerns, during a UNDP-facilitated
    climate risk assessment, prioritization and adaptation process. The
    communities proposed preventing coastal erosion and flood protection
    through traditional materials use and increasing connectivity of
    coastal protected areas through bio-corridors. Government officials
    are now evaluating these proposed coastal adaptation measures for
    policy adoption and integration.

    The Bulletin further describes a collaborative UNDP and the US Agency
    for International Development's (USAID) ADAPT Asia-Pacific capacity
    building programme is training technical government officers on the
    economics of adaptation, including how adaptation relates to medium
    and long-term national, sub-national and sectoral development plans and
    budgets. The programme also trains officers to use cost-benefit tools
    to evaluate adaptation investment projects for financing by different
    funds, including the Adaptation Fund (AF), Green Climate Fund (GCF),
    Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund

    The Bulletin also includes sections on resources, announcements
    and portfolio information. The Bulletin is produced by UNDP-Global
    Environmental Facility's (GEF) Environment and Energy Group. [UNDP
    Adaptation Bulletin]
