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Armenian-American Film "Here" Featured At Florida Festival

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  • Armenian-American Film "Here" Featured At Florida Festival


    November 5, 2012 - 19:40 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Last month, Cinema Paradiso, Fort Lauderdale, FL,
    premiered "HERE," an Armenian-American film, at Ft. Lauderdale's
    International Film Festival (FLIFF).

    Arsine Kaloustian-Rosenthal, Florida Armenians (FLArmenians)
    Communications Director, opened the program by introducing the Armenian
    culture and FLArmenians to the diverse audience in attendance. She
    explained that the Armenian community has been present in Florida
    for over 50 years and that St. David was the first Armenian Church
    in Florida.

    She added, "Today we have 5 Churches and 2 mission parishes with
    approximately 30,000 Armenian-American across the great State of

    Kaloustian-Rosenthal then introduced renowned Armenian musician Joe
    Zeytoonian, who played Armenian melodies with the Oud.

    Inspired by the Armenian scenery displayed in the film, Arsine
    Kaloustian-Rosenthal expressed, "The film provided us a very intimate
    window into the landscape of Armenia - something many of us had never
    seen before. For a few hours, director Braden King transported us
    from the Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival to the land of our ancestors. It
    was a lovely escape."

    When asked why he chose Armenia as the landscape for this film, the
    director has explained, "As I explored further, Armenia - its history,
    landscape, location, people and culture - became another collaborator,
    a third co-writer. When I visited for the first time in 2004, it was
    instantly clear that Armenia was the most precise lens through which
    to focus in on HERE's story and themes. Within the first few hours
    of that very first trip, there was no place else to go."
