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"Hungry" People Interested In The Image Of "Feeder"

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  • "Hungry" People Interested In The Image Of "Feeder"

    Siranuysh Papyan
    Interview - Monday, 05 November 2012, 17:57

    Interview with psychologist, expert at Armenian Center for National
    and International Studies Armine Ghazaryan

    Armine, does the civil society have choice in case of an alternative

    The most important event of the Armenian political field is the
    presidential election. The elections are not becoming important
    now; we know that the parliamentary elections are "sacrificed"
    to the presidential elections and the main bets are done at the
    parliamentary elections to avoid surprises at the presidential. We
    have a predictable situation, non-existing excitement, even apathy,
    primate agreements in the government and predictions, which have
    no connection with the interest of the people. The political field
    is quite poor and empty. Independently from the living standards of
    people and the outcomes of the "non-happy" situation, the situation of
    apathy is formed in the wake of the parliamentary elections. In other
    words, any political "event", any communication of the society with
    the political culture prompts the society to political passiveness.

    On the other hand, what can the civil society propose, what is its
    position, its approaches? To be sincere, I don't know the answers to
    these questions. Do the journalists, the analysts who keep talking
    about the political developments are a part of the civil society?

    There is no need to analyze or study, but the civil society should
    increase the awareness of the people to tell them the essence of
    the intrigues leads to the election between Serzh Sargsyan and Serzh

    There is some deficit of trust toward political figures. Any other
    political figure is doomed to failure. How would you describe the
    situation from psychological point of view?

    The deficit of trust has become such a stereotype that a "normal"
    person, who is an individual and does not have this deficit, acquires
    it as soon as he or she enters the political field. There are grounds
    which strengthen this approach because we notice defects of more
    and more political figures every day. The big oppositional wing has
    worked hard to strengthen the trust deficit "negotiating" with the
    power. The next reason for the lack of trust is the fake candidates,
    who play in the field of opposition, transfer the points earned to
    the ruling power ruining the real opposition. The power is something
    very attracting and one needs to be very strong to keep its identity.

    Can any representative of the civil society be the alternative to
    the power? How can the alternative candidate be convincing?

    The reality exists despite of us, and everything is present in the
    reality no matter we notice it or not. One looks for and identifies
    what is the most important for him or her at a certain moment. When
    one is hungry, he or she notices all the advertisements of food. Now
    the "hungry" people are interested in the image of the "feeder", if
    the people were a bit "fed", they would make an ideological choice
    too leaving apart the "political" categories of preferences.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress