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Japan And Armenia Are Reliable Partners With Common Values: The Amba

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  • Japan And Armenia Are Reliable Partners With Common Values: The Amba


    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 5, ARMENPRESS. Armenia and Japan are interested
    in the development of steadfast relations in all the spheres. The
    development of fraternal relations was noted in the highest level. The
    Presidents of the both states are sure about the development of the
    cooperation. In a conversation with "Armenpress" the Extraordinary
    and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Armenia (resident in
    Moscow) Chikahito Harada talked about the practical steps towards
    the strengthening of reciprocal relations.

    - Dear Mr. Ambassador, let's start with reciprocal relations. This
    year the President of the Republic of Armenia visited Japan. How do
    you appreciate the results of that visit? What ways of development
    do you consider as the most perspective?

    - It seems to me that the visit of the President of the Republic
    of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to Japan on June stimulated the future
    development of the relations and cooperation between the two
    countries. In frames of the visit a document regarding the development
    of the relationship and cooperation between our countries was signed
    by the leaders of our countries. Particularly, among other things
    "the cooperation in the sphere of aversion of the natural disasters"
    was signified as one of the primary spheres of the cooperation. Also
    cooperation in the fields of intergovernmental relations, economic
    ties and scientific and technological exchange, alongside with the
    exchange in the cultural sphere have been discussed.

    - The both countries Japan and Armenia suffered from natural disasters
    and from earthquake in particular. Do You consider the exchange
    of experience in the sphere of aversion of natural disasters and
    reduction of their consequences to the minimum?

    - After the heavy earthquake in the East of Japan ceremonies in memory
    of the victims of the earthquake and tsunami have been convened on
    March, 2011 and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
    and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Edvard
    Nalbandyan partook in the ceremony. Beside aforementioned, in June
    of 2012 in frames of his visit to Japan the President of the Republic
    of Armenia first of all visited the disaster area and encouraged the
    people by his warm speech and his assistance.

    Let me express our gratification once more for this.

    - What is the position of the Government of Japan regarding the
    NKR conflict?

    - The final regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh impact is of a certain
    importance for the security and peace in this Caucasian region. As
    it has been mentioned Japan highly appreciates the efforts of the
    OSCE Minsk Group and is confident that the final relegation must be
    achieved by means of the principals of international law and norms,
    the UNO constitution, Helsinki Final Acts regarding equal rights of
    the nations and their right for self-determination and the principal
    of the territorial integrity.
