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Prosperous Armenia Proposes Switch-Over To Parliamentary System

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  • Prosperous Armenia Proposes Switch-Over To Parliamentary System


    Naira Zohrabyan, Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP)
    parliamentary group, made a statement on the PAP's approaches to the
    forthcoming presidential election in Armenia.

    She stressed the necessity for a switch-over to the parliamentary
    system and, in this context, to the proportional representation
    system. The PAP starts consultations with other political forces.

    With respect to forthcoming presidential election in Armenia, the PAP
    Political Council is holding discussions. The PAP Political Council
    gives priority to the issues on the agenda. One of the most important
    issues is what will be offered to Armenia's society.

    Public is obviously demanding that the country be led out of the
    current grave situation as soon as possible, says the statement.

    An analysis of Armenia's 20-year-long independence, the present
    political situation and development prospects makes the PAP conclude
    that switching over to a parliamentary system is one of the ways of
    resolving the country's problems, putting an end to political monopoly
    and implementing reforms.

    This would enhance political parties' role and create real conditions
    for putting an end to disgraceful phenomena.

    The PAP attaches importance to a switch-over to the proportional
    representation system. A switch-over to the parliamentary system
    implies that the presidential to be elected next year will work for
    four years, until the 2017 parliamentary elections. He is expected
    to make necessary amendments to Armenia's Constitution in cooperation
    with other political forces and lay the basis for a new system.

    The PAP is well aware that other political forces are proposing this
    idea as well. The party believes that this approach might become a
    solid ideological basis for cooperation between different political

    In this context, the PAP plans to start consultations with political
    forces to see the opportunities for uniting round the idea, says
    the statement.
