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Hello, Odnako ! (Nevertheless)

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  • Hello, Odnako ! (Nevertheless)

    Hello, Odnako ! (nevertheless)
    by David Stepanyan

    Tuesday, November 6, 12:44

    On 20 October the known Russian TV reporter Mikhail Leontyev published
    in his magazine "Odnako" an article with a meaningful title "In its
    present state Armenia is obliged to Russia". The article says about
    expediency of Armenia's joining the second after the CIS integration
    project at the post-Soviet area - Eurasian Union.

    To note, the issue of Armenia's participation in this project, which
    is called Putin's project, is still unsettled and today it is the key
    issue on the agenda of the Armenian-Russian relations. The adequate
    sector of the Armenian society was first of all disgusted not with the
    content of the article but with an incorrect form of its writing. But
    the anti-Russian circles of Armenia supported by the West and mass
    media received from Mr Leontyev a large report about the Russian
    "empire policy", turning Armenia into an outpost and saying that
    "making friends with Russia has become a burden for the post-soviet
    countries", etc.

    In general, the statements by a Russian journalist from the near the
    Kremlin circles may remind the Armenian government of the fact that it
    still has a little time for the complementary tacking between the West
    and its northern neighbor. However, the author of the "Odnako" had at
    least to chose words when speaking about the nation which is friendly
    to the Russians. It is very much possible that the given message will
    reach top authorities of Armenia. Nevertheless, such non-diplomatic
    attitude of the journalist, which is called Putin's sounding board
    in Russia, has reached millions of Armenians living in Armenia and
    abroad, and in Russia first of all. The comparing of Armenia with
    Kyrgyzia and Moldova and saying that "if not Russia, Armenia simply
    would not be on the map", have turned Leontyev into a target of an
    active criticizing by certain layers of the Armenian society.

    I should say that some parallels made by the author of the article
    cause questions. For instance, "Armenia should be more interested in
    EurAsian integration than even Russia, as not the "European choice"
    but the "Turkish" one is an alternative for Armenia. In this context,
    I would like to remind Mr. Leontyev that to assess and speak about the
    prospects of Turkey's membership in EU is considered to bad manners
    in more or less serious analytical circles. And Turkey, for which the
    door to the West is shut down, cannot be interesting to the isolated
    Armenia. Moreover, Turkey has been driven into a corner thanks to
    the Armenian-Turkish process officially initiated by Armenia. And to
    tell about Armenia's dependence on the country, which is a candidate
    number one for the regional outlaw, is at least inexpedient. It is
    also inexpedient to blame the people of Armenia, not the authorities,
    for ingratitude. But it is no secret that Armenia became used to
    strictly effect payment in time. I mean, the bargain "Property for
    debt" and the expenses of the Armenian party for deployment of the
    102-nd Russian military base at the territory of Armenia as well as
    repayment of duties on the half a billion debt to Russia. Meanwhile,
    Belarus after creation of the false "union state" with Russia does
    not hurry up to truly integrate. Simply, Likashenko has got another
    reason to lay claims to Russia, which does not want to deliver gas
    to Belarus with lower than the inner-Russian tariffs and demands to
    repay debts, etc. By the way, membership in the union with Russia
    does not at all hinder Lukashenko to whisper with the West from time
    to time. I may continue the list. For instance Bulgaria, which is
    indebted to Russia for many things, has easily joined NATO, etc.

    But it turned out that Mr Leontyev slagged off just Armenia, the
    only true ally of Russia at the post-soviet and "post-Warsaw" area,
    which has never betrayed Russia.

    In general, taking into consideration several factors, which
    characterize long, friendly and strategic relations of both states,
    the given Eurasian project undoubtedly has chances to be implemented
    with participation of Armenia. We have to confess that the possibility
    of the true integration with Russia has always been an imperative
    for Armenia. In general, the Armenian society is well-minded to the
    Russian initiative to integrate at the post-Soviet area. Even critics
    are forced to confess that according to public opinion poll, the great
    majority of the population of Armenia have been striving to develop
    relations with Russia and supporting the integration tendencies. All
    this, along with historical memory of the Armenians gives hope that
    the society in Armenia will have a respectful attitude to Russia's
    initiative to develop Eurasian cooperation not only in the sphere of
    economy. Everything depends on conditions. Any country of the world
    persecutes its own interests, and that is normal. For this reason,
    before thinking about integration, Armenians have to think about
    their own interests. To do that, we should try to answer a simple and
    direct question - does Russia need Armenia more, or does Armenia need
    Russia more?

    Armenia is an active member of the CIS and CSTO, a member of a free
    economic zone within the CIS. It has turned out that the gas valve
    is the most effective and reliable instrument for fulfillment of
    foreign political ambitions of Russia, and on the threshold of the
    presidential election in Armenia in February 2013, Moscow has got an
    excellent chance to affect the leadership of Armenia during the talks
    on new gas tariffs. Russian credits and the transfers of Armenian
    citizens living in Russia play a great part in the bilateral economic
    relations. And finally, the military cooperation, in which Armenia
    is interested first of all, taking into consideration the fact that
    at present Azerbaijan is the CIS champion on arms purchasing. Moscow
    has already transferred to Yerevan modern air defence batteries S-300.

    Moreover, the Russian military base is deployed at the territory of
    Armenia, and in case of necessity, it will ease weapon delivery.

    As we see, facts are in favor of Eurasian integration of Armenia. For
    this reason, the blind stance of the official Yerevan regarding
    the Eurasian Union is not clear. I don't mean possible pressure
    of the West or the hope to get 1,5 bln EUR from Europe, allegedly
    promised in case of irreversible movement of Armenia on the way of
    "strengthening democracy". Actually, Serzh Sargsyan's government has
    been waiting from Moscow for the guarantees of significant financial
    and economic as well as political support before the presidential
    election, including reasonable gas tariff for Armenia. The former
    president Robert Kocharyan made use of such a support. So, it turns
    out that Yerevan will specify its position on Eurasian Union only if
    it gets the relevant message from Moscow. As for President Putin, he
    has not yet visited Armenia, though they announced about his visit
    a couple of months ago. It is very much possible that in its turn
    Moscow has been waiting for Yerevan to be the first to say about
    its wish to join the Eurasian Union. But Russia has been waiting in
    vain, as taking into consideration the fact that getting nothing in
    exchange, Armenia will hardly refuse the EU against the background
    of the forthcoming talks on simplification of the visa regime and
    creation of free trade zone with European Union. And of course,
    Armenia may refuse the only true level of European integration,
    but only in case of the relevant compromises of Moscow.

    It is not clear today, what is the Eurasian Union and how it can
    positively or negatively affect Armenia. In such conditions, taking
    into consideration all above mentioned aspects, Mikhail Leontyev
    and other Russian counterparts had to explain their partners on CIS
    and CSTO the core, goals and privileges of reintegration into a new
    quality post-Soviet area, but not to talk to the friendly nation
    according to the principle "you are nothing and have got no name".

    Actually, to be honest, today Russia can really affect resolving of
    the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict not in favor of Armenia. But if with a
    help of Moscow Yerevan loses Karabakh, it will have nothing to do than
    to turn by 180 degrees to the West. As for Russia, it will finally
    lose Armenia and it is not ruled out, will get the second Georgia
    in the person of Armenia, and will have nothing to do than, almost
    two hundred years later, to go back home behind the Greater Caucasus
    Mountain Range, and lose a very much important geo-strategic position.

    Taking into consideration the fact that today the North Caucasus is
    in undeclared war, the situation may become even more complicated for
    the Kremlin. For this reason, telling the Armenians "where will you
    go?", Mr Leontyev and other similar men being lame under the hat,
    and working according to the principle "what do you want", should
    think a little bit. Although it is paradoxical, but Russia wrote off
    a state debt of Tajikistan - $300 mln, but did not write off even a
    cent of Armenia. This is evidence of Armenia's significance to Russia,
    and of the fact that Armenia is a very much important zone of interests
    for Russia, and by all possible means Moscow is trying to preserve its
    political, military and strategic as well as economic presence in the
    republic. For this reason, undoubtedly, one can induce Armenia to join
    the Russian re-integration project, but only through application of
    the so-called "soft force", economically grounding the benefits of the
    idea of the Eurasian Union, but not to wave a blunt axe and act like
    an "elephant in a china shop". Against such a background, the harsh,
    poor and narrow-minded anti-Armenian rhetoric cannot obviously help
    in this matter, as in the mono-national and still pro-Russian Armenia,
    it can cause nothing else than antipathy to everything Russian.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress