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A Salute To Our Military Veterans

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  • A Salute To Our Military Veterans

    by Tom Vartabedian
    November 5, 2012

    If I could, I'd honor every single military veteran who ever served
    this country in battle.

    It wouldn't matter which war-Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia,
    Iraq, or Afghanistan. To me, one bloodshed or emotional scar is as
    bad as another.

    These are my true heroes, not the baseball players earning megabuck
    salaries and the football elite catching million-dollar touchdowns.

    Most of the ones I would salute are the anonymous and the unheralded
    who look for no ceremonial tributes-quiet heroes whose deeds are
    better left unsaid than undone.

    As the fight in Afghanistan proceeds to a bitter end while another
    in Syria and Libya seems to be escalating, it's time for all of us
    to pause and reflect upon all those putting their lives at risk for
    the well-being of this country.

    It was staggering to see our consulate invaded in Libya and innocent
    victims put to death. We owe them and their families a debt of
    gratitude on this Veterans' Day. It's a time for not only those who
    wear a military uniform but others who continue to make the ultimate

    As I look to Hollywood, I see military films being transfixed upon
    our viewing public. The real war is no play act. It's a blood-and-guts
    war that can aim its target on my son or your daughter. When a soldier
    or Marine dies, I tend to take it very personally as an American. We
    all should.

    It's incumbent upon each and every one of us to pay homage. One way
    would be to fly the American flag from your home or business. Another
    is to attend a Veterans' Day parade in your municipality.

    In my city, people like American Legion guru John Kazarosian take
    no hiatus in organizing parades and getting the youth involved. It
    wasn't enough for him to serve the U.S. Navy with admiration. Truth
    is, he and others are still serving the ranks, long after discharge.

    The pity of it all is that no enough loyalists come out to watch a
    Veterans' Day parade. Most people treat the holiday as a day to catch
    a few more winks, enjoy a couple beers over the barbeque, and maybe
    wax the car. Only a dedicated few will come out to attend the ceremony.

    I find it particularly troublesome to see public apathy at a time
    like this. On this Veterans' Day, let us all take a moment to reflect.

    Let us count our blessings to be living in a homeland where peace
    and security reign.

    Let us applaud the fact we can worship any faith to our heart's
    content, vote for whom we please, raise our children in a relatively
    safe environment, and give them the educational opportunities they
    richly deserve.

    America owes much of her success to the immigrant. Large countries
    as well as small have contributed their share in making this country
    a haven for the refugee. Our military veterans have preserved that
    allegiance with honor, dignity, and extreme patriotism.

    Much too often, we pay tribute to the men in our military. So,
    here's a vote of gratitude to the women who have served their time
    without fanfare. At a time when women were frowned upon to enlist,
    many from this city took the ultimate step.

    This past Labor Day found me in Boston covering the Armenian Youth
    Federation (AYF) Olympics for the Weekly, a job I've handled for the
    past 42 years as a labor of love. That's not the story.

    Two men were seated at a table, enjoying the festivities, when a
    conversation ensued. One was from California, the other from nearby
    Springfield. Upon introducing themselves formally, they discovered
    a close tie with one another.

    Seems both men served with the army in Korea. Not only that, they
    were members of the same platoon at Fort Devens, stationed in the
    same barracks. They occupied the same bunk bed-one on top and the
    other below.

    Now, here they were 60 years later inside a dance hall.

    "I still have my draft card," said one, pulling out his wallet.

    "So do I," said the other, extracting his. A bit worn around the edges
    but very much valid. In the midst of all the commotion, here were two
    octogenarians from the same military mold hugging emotionally. After
    being shipped to the front lines that year, they lost touch with one
    another until fate reunited them on this evening.

    The next time you see a military veteran, shake their hand. Show them
    a little respect. Above all, thank them for the service they rendered.

    Most of them probably wouldn't want the recognition. But nobody
    deserves it more.

    From: A. Papazian