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Who Will Give Assignments To "Gorik Hakobyan" Tomorrow?

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  • Who Will Give Assignments To "Gorik Hakobyan" Tomorrow?

    Hakob Badalyan

    Comments - Wednesday, 07 November 2012, 16:57

    The idea on the parliamentary government system, which the PAP updated
    in the home political and "internal-governmental" agenda, can actually
    become the occupation of the political class of Armenia after the
    presidential elections. Otherwise, what would they do for the next
    4-5 years? In this sense, everyone should be grateful to the PAP for
    raising this issue from its "influential" and "decisive" position.

    Serzh Sargsyan should also be grateful. Sure, he would anyway have
    things to do, such as systemic, fundamental foreign and local issues,
    but, mildly speaking, I'm doubtful he would show the necessary will
    to fight as much as necessary. In this sense, the issue on the
    parliamentary government may be a proposal for Serzh Sargsyan to
    entertain the society too.

    In addition, the proposal is a remedy for headache, which the
    authorities are having in the form of elections. Making the office
    of the president "technical", in other words someone, who does not
    decide anything, Serzh Sargsyan can get rid of several headaches:
    2018 presidential elections, preparation of a successor, as well
    as unnecessary costs, especially under the current economic crisis
    conditions. The parliament is a wide field which makes it easier
    to agree with political opponents, satisfy their appetite and enjoy
    absolute majority.

    But the "medal" proposed by the PAP has the other side too where
    there are dangers and risks for Serzh Sargsyan.

    The point is that parliamentary government is actually exercised in
    Armenia. In institutional terms, the government is presidential,
    but the government institutes in Armenia don't act within the
    Constitution and laws, but in accord with the essence of the power,
    where the president is not the head of the power, but the controller
    of agreements. In other words, the president makes a decision and is
    responsible for it to the "group" not to the Constitution, and he
    grounds the decision stems from the economic and personal security
    of the members of the group. Otherwise, in case someone's interest is
    ignored or broken, the oligarchy can see it as a dangerous precedent
    which is possible to touch any of them, hence, it would wish to change
    the "arbitrator".

    Serzh Sargsyan, during his tenure, is standing in front of a difficult
    situation. The world around Armenia is dynamically changing, the
    dynamics of "demands" toward Armenia is changing too which arouses
    the necessity in Armenia to change the essence of interests of the
    de jure power causing a clash between the de jure power and the de
    factor governmental system.

    In these conditions, Serzh Sargsyan faced the necessity to implement
    the presidential government as the "arbitrator". The 2012 parliamentary
    elections showed that the power in Armenia belongs to Lfik Samo
    and Nemets Rubo, as well as, despite Serzh Sargsyan's statements,
    to the criminal oligarchy reproduced in the form of the Republican
    and Prosperous Armenia groups.

    The proposal of the Prosperous Armenia is aimed at the de jure
    definition of the existing de facto situation. In other words, if
    today the force structures and foreign relations are regulated by the
    "special assignments" of the president, in case of the parliamentary
    government, they will pass to the parliament, where Serzh Sargsyan
    can't decide alone, but will be one of the decision-makers.

    In other words, if today he gives "special assignments" to Gorik
    Hakobyan and can force something to the oligarchy, tomorrow, Nemets
    Rubo, Lfik Samo, Toxmax Mher and other nicknamed MPs and officials,
    will have the same right of giving "assignments" not on behalf of
    Serzh Sargsyan but against him.

    What Serzh Sargsyan will have to do in this case? Either to reconcile
    with this situation of being "one of them" or even the risk of becoming
    the "last one", or to implement the presidential government and change
    the quality and essence of the government of Armenia. The parliamentary
    government system is to make the existing quality eternal, for which,
    the system will need to thank the Prosperous Armenia and not Serzh

    From: A. Papazian