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Americans Approve Isolationism

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  • Americans Approve Isolationism

    Igor Muradyan
    Politics - Wednesday, 07 November 2012, 18:16

    Isolationism is a primordial political tradition in the United States
    and the United States began to part with it only at the beginning
    of the 20th century but it took the Americans another 50 years to
    establish a new foreign political tradition. Barack Obama tried to
    apply the so-called doctrine of soft power in foreign policy.

    This is not a stationary and final model of his political
    style. The refusal of an active position in the foreign policy is
    just the beginning of intensification and deepening of the policy of
    isolationism. In the current political discourse in the United States
    there is no substantial answer to the question whether this policy
    is effective and in the interests of the United States. Neither the
    neo-Conservatives nor the Reaganists and democrats were active in
    this discussion.

    The most interesting and meaningful answers were given by experts who
    dealt with regional policies. The explanation is that these experts
    are closer to the problems of regional security, the sphere where
    Barack Obama's approaches and style are expressed clearly.

    In addition, there is uncertainty, and NATO's new doctrine is
    questioned which was adopted during the summit in Chicago in May 2012.

    It is possible that this doctrine which supposes participation in NATO
    goals has been preventively transformed into a version of isolationism.

    In foreign policy Barack Obama consistently conducted a policy of
    shifting responsibility on his partners who got considerable freedom
    in different regions and soon got lost, not knowing what to do with
    their freedom. Barack Obama's policy frightened most partners of the
    United States who conducted a defense policy and a security policy
    with consideration of the U.S. assistance.

    There is no clarity about the U.S. intensions on the Near East and
    Eurasia and the possible approaches of the United States to China. The
    Americans have approved Barack Obama's policy, it appeals to them,
    and they feel comfortable because they thought that it is safer to
    live with not so ambitious goals and objectives.

    Striking and very dangerous populism won which reminded the position of
    the Munich agreement. The Republicans have a lot of supporters and the
    middle class mostly supports the Republicans. However, Barack Obama's
    policy is not determined by the global crisis, emergence of other
    great powers or economic decline. This is bullshit. The United States
    has and will continue to have advantages all through the 21st century.

    A comparison of the GDP of the United States and China is meaningless.

    The GDP and other categories are ideal pictures. The problem is in
    the very American society when the Americans stop being Americans in
    the social, demographic, ethnic, religious and mental aspect which
    has determined the new motivations. This is already a different
    United States.

    Left liberalism wins in the American society. The American dream
    is being substituted by the banal European liberal socialism (or
    neosocialism). This became a factor of intensification of moods and
    beliefs in the framework of isolationism. Barack Obama's second term
    will be characterized by capitulation in the foreign policy.

    The "calm" years of George Bush tenure have passed for most states,
    including Armenia. It will be necessary to conduct the foreign policy
    attentively and cautiously as regional threats and risks will grow. At
    the same time, the U.S. political class is not straightforward, and
    there will be opposition. These forces in the United States will need
    partners not only in the United States.

    A very complicated and tough game will start, and Barack Obama and his
    team may make compromises, especially that the Republicans outnumber
    Democrats in the House of Representatives. But the Congress is not the
    only problem. The American society still has considerable political
    resources to oppose the policy of capitulation. It will be necessary
    to study America more closely, focusing on all the nuances and not
    limiting oneself to usual routes of business trips of officials.

    From: Baghdasarian