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Acnis Considers International Context Of The Karabagh Issue

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  • Acnis Considers International Context Of The Karabagh Issue

    17:25, November 7, 2012

    The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)
    today held a daylong roundtable discussion to explore the sense and
    significance of the conflicting situation around Mountainous Karabagh
    (Artsakh). The seminar discussion brought together leading analysts,
    policy specialists, and young political scientists.

    ACNIS director of research Manvel Sargsian welcomed the audience
    with opening remarks. "Over the course of this dialogue we will try
    to model present-day international legal and political mechanisms
    and standards concerning the conflicting situation to elucidate
    some theses-particularly Karabagh's recognition or non-recognition
    issue-that are widely articulated in public domain and political
    circles," Sargsian stated.

    The event featured presentations from experts Marta Ayvazyan, Levon
    Gevorgyan, Arthur Ghazinyan, Andrias Ghoukasyan and Davit Shahnazaryan,
    who evaluated the legal and political realities with respect to the
    conflicting situation around Mountainous Karabagh, and presented the
    avenues to act upon the current state of affairs from the standpoint
    of security prospects by probing into the issue's international-legal
    and political models-along with their standards-and the methods of
    political influence on the conflict.

    According to the analysts, the international-legal model of the
    Karabagh conflict includes the nature of the internationally
    recognized issue, the proposal of the resolution, and the legal
    acts that shaped the international stand towards the conflict. The
    participants considered the internationally acknowledged fact of
    disagreement on some aspects of the Karabagh issue, the availability
    of international process of political resolution of the latter-based
    on the guiding principles of Helsinki Final Act-Azerbaijan's obligation
    to peacefully solve the issue, and the fact of internationally hampered
    use of force by Azerbaijan as the standards of the political model.

    In the light of the same set of standards, the seminar reflected on
    the internationally non-recognized right of the people of Artsakh to
    self-determination, Azerbaijan's hegemony over Karabagh and de facto
    recognition of the right of Karabagh's Armenians to self-determination,
    and the actual controversy among the regional states on the conflicting
    situation around Mountainous Karabagh.

    In regard to efficient legal ways of impact on the Karabagh issue,
    the policy specialists underscored the stagnation of the negotiation
    process within the framework of the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe's (OSCE) Minsk Group, and highlighted
    potential security concerns in case of the recognition of the
    Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR). The discussants underlined that
    both the recognition of MKR byArmeniaand the change of the issue's
    international-legal model have some resources, while at the same time
    bear some risks.
