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Who Will Be Prime Minister In 2017?

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  • Who Will Be Prime Minister In 2017?

    Naira Hayrumyan
    Comments - Wednesday, 07 November 2012, 12:01

    Naira Zohrabyan made a symbolic statement which may define the
    course of not only the presidential elections in Armenia, but the
    political future of the country. All the parties had been waiting
    for this course, and the silence of the PAP and Levon Ter-Petrosyan,
    Serzh Sargsyan's refusal to war with Gagik Tsarukyan was connected
    with this. Raffi Hovannisian's false start and Dashnaktsutyun's hints
    were all related to this.

    This decision was being planned and agreed with all the political
    forces. Note that the PAP proposes amendments to the Constitution to
    replace the presidential state with a parliamentary state and elect
    the president in 2013 for a term of 4 years.

    Such decision may favor everyone all, first of all Serzh Sargsyan
    only in case he will be chosen as the "support president". Hence,
    Sargsyan will solve his personal issue - he will be re-elected to
    the second term and remain in the history of the nation as the last
    and democratic president of Armenia.

    Moreover, this plan has already been tested in Georgia, and
    Saakashvili has served two terms quite successfully, fulfilled the
    task of retrieving Georgia from the influence of Russia, established a
    liberal economy and democratic governance and even ensured a democratic
    change of government.

    Apparently, this project will be launched in Armenia as well. In the
    next four years Serzh Sargsyan will definitely review his relations
    with Russia, Armenia will sign an association agreement with the
    European Union, NATO will increase military capacity, the financial
    oligarchy of Armenia, being a member of the world banking system,
    will replace the criminal oligarchy, and in 2017 Serzh Sargsyan will
    announce parliamentary elections and will ensure a "democratic change
    of government".

    No reactions followed the PAP statement but it is so much winning
    that it can hardly be opposed to. The Armenian National Congress,
    ARFD, Heritage cannot oppose it. These parties could not unite with
    the PAP because of the lack of common ideological ground as it has
    been stated. Now, the PAP has proposed a good ground.

    Apparently, Raffi Hovannisian knew about this course of events so he
    hurried to announce his nomination for the support president. That
    is why he said that he will run for president for the last time. Now,
    both Ter-Petrosyan and Vartan Oskanian have a reason not to run though
    only if Serzh Sargsyan accepts the proposal of the PAP and agrees to
    become the support president.

    Afterwards, the election campaign for parliamentary seats and the
    position of prime minister in 2017 will start. So, let's wait for a
    rich Armenian from France or the United States.

    From: A. Papazian