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Ankara: Re-Elected Obama Faces Dire Challenges

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  • Ankara: Re-Elected Obama Faces Dire Challenges


    Nov 8 2012

    Obama sails through the challenge presented by the Republicans
    to retain his hold on the US presidency, but more storms clouds
    are forming on the horizon, ready to impede his progress on issues
    like Syria's crisis, Iran-Israel tensions, the Arab Spring and the
    economic woes

    Relations between Turkey and the United States are expected to enter
    a new and intensified hectic period amid ongoing regional crises,
    such as Syria's turmoil and Iran's controversial nuclear drive,
    amid Democrat Barack Obama's victory in the U.S. elections.

    Although Obama's relatively non-interventionist and multilateral
    foreign policy will not shift much in its direction, expectations
    are high that he will be much more engaged with global affairs in
    his second term.

    However, before diving into world politics, he needs to appoint a new
    figure replacing outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Among
    the candidates for the post of top U.S. diplomat include John Kerry,
    a senator for Massachusetts, and Susan Rice, the U.S. permanent
    representative at the U.N. Security Council, although the former's
    chances appear much higher than they do for Rice, a career diplomat.

    Rice's credibility, however, took a blow after making controversial
    remarks regarding the killing of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens
    on Sept. 11. Kerry, meanwhile, ran as the Democratic candidate for
    presidency in 2004 but lost against George W. Bush. The Massachusetts
    senator, who was at the same time chairman of the Foreign Affairs
    Committee, is a high-profile politician with strong leadership
    character and could continue Clinton's effective diplomacy.

    Middle East top issue

    Among so many important global issues, the Middle East will likely
    be the most immediate issue Washington has to focus on as the crisis
    in Syria causes more and more civilian deaths.

    Obama has said he will continue his close cooperation with allies like
    Turkey and Israel in dealing with the Syrian crisis without promising
    more military engagement. Turkish diplomats believe there is room for
    the U.S. to adopt a more flexible and even activist policy in Syria
    with no specific demand for military action.

    The Obama administration has not hid its concerns that an immediate
    collapse of the regime would pave the way for Islamist groups to gain
    power, making things worse for Israel.

    Another major potential risk in bilateral ties is Ankara's
    disappointment in receiving sufficient support from Washington in its
    fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Turkish
    government have become more outspoken, criticizing the U.S. for not
    doing enough. The Armenian diaspora's pressure on the president to
    recognize the killings of Armenians in 1915 at the hands of Ottoman
    Empire will surely continue to be a problem as well.

