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How to Start a Flash Mob

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  • How to Start a Flash Mob


    Huffington Post
    Nov 7 2012

    Jennifer Brookland. Senior Content Producer, Counterpart International
    Reporting contributed by Madlene Minassian.

    On a sunny, breezy day in Yeghvard, Armenia, a teenager in a bright
    white baseball cap walked along a park path reading a book. Then,
    strangely enough, so did another one. White caps and books began
    proliferating -- white t-shirts, too.

    As bemused passersby watched single-file lines of insistent readers
    crisscross Armenia's squares and streets with open books, it became
    clear. This was a flash mob.

    A flash mob is a group of people who suddenly appear in a public place,
    perform an unusual -- and, if you ask Wikipedia, seemingly pointless
    act -- and then disperse. Usually organized using social media, flash
    mobs are a form of entertainment, but also artistic expression and
    social commentary.

    People in 14 communities across Armenia took their books outside
    on the same June day to show that reading is important. But their
    statement was even larger: Youth matter and they want to be engaged
    in the civic lives of their countries.

    "It was amazing to see so many people together around such a great
    message," said Hermine Gasparyan, who participated in a flash mob in
    the northern city of Vanadzor. "For the first time, our youth felt
    like they were a part of a global movement."

    It's not always easy being a young person in Armenia. Sure there are
    smart phones and movie theaters, but also a lack of jobs and limited
    leisure activities, especially in remote villages.

    The concepts of constructive engagement and advocacy are new here,
    where limited resources and shaky policy makes it hard for the
    government to meet expectations for democracy, rule of law and social

    To increase informed activism, and help the government respond to
    citizen needs, the nonprofit Counterpart International began helping
    Armenian organizations that were working on these issues in 2010.

    It supported a youth organization -- aptly named "Flash Mob Division"
    -- in training nearly 150 youths on how to conduct social activism,
    from getting the word out online to using the event as a campaigning

    "We shared ideas about flash mobs as alternative ways of promoting
    your message," said Eduard Levanyan, the founder and director of Flash
    Mob Division. "We talked about how much we can do -- even without a
    budget, just with will -- to get an idea going."

    "The training gave me the confidence that I could organize a flash mob
    -- and reminded me that we can move an idea forward without a budget,"
    said Gasparyan.

    Counterpart Country Director Alex Sardar says that drive paid off.

    "In a society where standing out has not always been rewarded, working
    with local groups to reach out to the most disaffected members of a
    community and have them get involved in a fun, disruptive activity like
    a flash mob demonstrates lessons that go far beyond the event itself,"
    says Sardar. "Organizing, raising awareness, leading by example --
    all are characteristics of a model citizen."

    Guys and girls who completed their book learning in flash mobbery went
    forth to earn their street cred. They organized 14 flash mobs in seven
    regions. Overall, 313 individuals showed up to read, and make a point.

    Teenagers sat shoulder to shoulder on the raised stone encircling
    a tree, others perched on curbs and benches. One girl read aloud,
    her hair whipping lightly in the wind that removed the edges from
    her words. On a thin sheet of plastic, a guy in a black t-shirt and
    sunglasses sat in the middle of the path upright, then stretched out,
    then -- his favorite position, no doubt -- surrounded by three girls.

    "I loved the idea of reading in public with others," said Aram
    Grigoryan, a participant in the Yerevan mob. "Usually, when I am
    reading on public transport, I am looked at in a negative way. An
    old man once told me that I should go home and read if I want to read."

    Building Community Organizations

    Though a flash mob might look like a flash in the pan, strengthening
    and supporting the local organizations so they can deliver to and
    advocate for their communities are the main goals of the activity,
    says Counterpart's Sardar.

    The global nonprofit, which is supported by the U.S. Agency for
    International Development, played a critical role in strengthening
    Flash Mob Division, according to Levanyan. Funds acted like a megaphone
    in helping spread the word about these particular events, and expanding
    its platform in general.

    The Armenian NGO is planning future events which, like the reading
    mobs, will unite Armenian youth as engaged citizens and creative
    advocates for their communities.

    The government is noticing: a follow-on reading festival gained
    support from the Armenian Ministry of Culture and turned into a
    four-day read-a-thon in the heart of the capital.

    With Yerevan as the UNESCO World Book Capital for 2012, the flash
    mobs continue to be showcased and discussed. So does the role of
    Armenia's youth in standing up for something they care about and,
    quietly as the turn of a page, insisting that they be heard.

    From: Baghdasarian