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Bridge To Enchantment: A Journey Into Old Khntsoresk

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  • Bridge To Enchantment: A Journey Into Old Khntsoresk

    by Nanore Barsoumian
    November 8, 2012

    Jora Aleksanyan (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo) Jora Aleksanyan stood by
    the half-built hanging bridge and smiled. He was wearing a large straw
    hat, a jean jacket over a white button-up, and black pants. His dark
    tan suggested he'd been working in the sun for some time. His eyes
    widened as he saw the crowned bird I held in my hands.

    "I think it's injured! It won't fly. I thought maybe you can take it
    home," I said.

    Before Jora could respond, the bird flew away. "I guess it's fine,"
    I blushed, wondering why it hadn't flown away sooner when we found
    it on our path.

    "We heard your scream from down in the valley, what happened?" he

    "We saw a big lime-green snake down by the church!" I said, and
    extended my hands eight inches wide in exaggeration. I grabbed the
    camera and zoomed into the picture of the entrance to the 17th-century
    church to show him the creature.

    Jora laughed. "That's a lodi," he said. "It's harmless! It eats
    other snakes!"

    I looked at him puzzled. I didn't quite understand how a snake-eating
    snake could be harmless. I didn't argue. After all, Jora was born in
    one of the surrounding caves. The cave dwellings-hundreds of them-make
    up the old village of Khntsoresk, located about 8 km to the east
    of the town of Goris. In the early 1950's, the inhabitants of Old
    Khntsoresk-among them Jora's family-in search of modern comforts such
    as running water, relocated to higher grounds nearby and established
    the new village of Khntsoresk.

    "Come with me," demanded Jora, and began walking on the
    hanging-bridge. I hesitated, and then followed. He seemed confident
    despite the steep-63-meter-drop below us, and the rattling steel.

    Jora, a local businessman, and his team were pouring sweat and money
    into the 160-meter-long bridge, built from 14 tons of steel cable,
    which would soon see hordes of tourists exploring one of the most
    bewitching cave-villages in the world.

    Jora pointed at the caves across the valley, on the side of the
    mountain. "I was born in that cave," he said. His cave was on a higher
    altitude than most others, now abandoned like all the rest. "People
    wanted to live in stone houses; they didn't want to live in caves
    anymore. So, slowly, they all moved out of the valley and onto the
    hill where they formed the new village," he explained.

    Old Khntsoresk hugs the skirts of two mountains. The valley is about
    3 km long. Lacking flat ground, the dwellings were built into the
    sides of the mountains. Like conventional buildings, the ceiling of
    one dwelling serves as the floor to the one above. Dwellings in the
    flatter parts of the valley date back to the 14th and 15th centuries.

    The rough terrain provided its inhabitants with security, and a
    self-defense advantage.

    Jora pointed to our right: "Mkhitar Sbarabed [General Mkhitar]
    is buried there," he said. The legendary 18th-century general
    fought alongside David Beg, a leader of the movement for Armenian
    self-determination in Syunik. Following David Beg's death, Mkhitar
    took the lead in the struggle, fighting against Ottoman troops in
    the battles in Halitsor. Hearing of Mkhitar's victories, the Persian
    Safavid Shah Tahmasp II recognized the independence of the Armenians
    of Syunik, and hoped to create an Armenian-Persian front in face of
    Ottoman-Turkish attacks. Ottoman troops soon launched offensives,
    weakening Mkhitar's forces. Military losses gave way to disagreements,
    and Mkhitar left Halitsor. He was beheaded by Kntsoresk villagers,
    who betrayed him, fearing his presence would invite destruction to
    their village.

    "Do you miss living here?" I asked Jora.

    "Do I miss it?" he smiled, and paused. "Madly..." he finally said,
    looking in the direction of his cave.

    We stood there for a few minutes. He seemed enveloped in nostalgia.

    When we returned to solid ground, he proceeded to give a tour of
    the caves.

    His head almost touched the ceiling of the first cave we entered.

    Shelves were carved into one of the walls. A segment of the cave,
    towards the back, was once curtained off for newlyweds in the family,
    explained Jora, adding that some households had upwards of 10 members.

    The circular hole in the ground was the fireplace. A low and round
    table would be placed over the pit, and the family would sit around
    the table on pillows, covering their legs with a thick tablecloth or
    a rug, enjoying the warmth.

    Some say Khntsoresk was named for the rich apple orchards in the
    valley. Others say the original name was "Khortsor" or "Khortsoresk,"
    meaning steep valley.

    In 1913, Old Khntsoresk was the largest village in Eastern Armenia,
    with 1,800 homes, some of which housed over 10 people. It also had
    7 schools, 4 churches, and 27 stores. The town had its own tailors,
    ironsmiths, bakers, construction workers, and painters.

    "We are a very hard-working people," said Jora. "We don't accept
    clothes and food handouts given by the diaspora. We work hard, and
    we do better than other villages."

    "The diaspora shouldn't send money, but help in the development of
    the country," he added.

    Jora sure seemed to be doing his part. The bridge opened on May 9,
    2012, less than a week after my chance encounter with him. He hopes
    his project will increase the number of tourists who visit the area.

    Already, there seems to be a boom in the hotel industry in Goris-a town
    that sees high tourism levels as it falls on the path of many who drive
    through to reach Karabagh. Hopefully, many more will now spend an extra
    night in the area, and visit the enchanting village of Old Khntsoresk.

    *The author consulted the Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia (Yerevan,
    1976) for historical information about Kntsoresk.

    Khntsoresk (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    The hanging bridge in Khntsoresk. (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    Inside a cave in Khntsoresk. (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    "Come with me," demanded Jora, and began walking on the
    hanging-bridge. I hesitated, and then followed. He seemed confident
    despite the steep-63-meter-drop below us, and the rattling steel.

    (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    Khntsoresk (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    The entrance to one of the cave dwellings in Khntsoresk. (Photo by
    Aaron Spagnolo)

    The hanging bridge in Khntsoresk. (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    Khntsoresk (Photo by Aaron Spagnolo)

    The crowned bird-a hoopoe-in Khntsoresk. (Photo by Nanore Barsoumian)

    From: A. Papazian