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Why Is A Crucial Conference On Internet Freedom Taking Place In A Di

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  • Why Is A Crucial Conference On Internet Freedom Taking Place In A Di

    4:18PM GMT 07 Nov 2012


    Ilham Aliyev The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and his wife
    Mehriban, on a visit to London in 2009 Photo: REX

    By Mike Harris, Head of Advocacy at Index on Censorship

    For Azerbaijan's President Aliyev, the hosting of the Internet
    Governance Forum (IGF) in Baku is yet another propaganda coup in a year
    marked by the Eurovision Song Contest and the launch of Azerbaijan's
    bid for Baku to host the 2020 Olympic Games. The regime is slick -
    it spent an estimated $500 million on Eurovision alone, hires the
    smoothest spin doctors, and takes British MPs on all expenses paid
    trips to see "the real Azerbaijan" (as opposed to the Azerbaijan
    where their Parliament contains not a single opposition MP).

    Azerbaijan is also a country with a track record of persecuting
    internet activists, such as bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Hajizada.

    Elnur Majidli, a Strasbourg-based blogger and internet activist,
    was threatened with a 12 year jail sentence for "inciting hatred"
    after setting up Facebook groups that facilitated rare public protests
    in Azerbaijan during 2011. Because of his online activism, police
    officers turned up at his family home. His father was held for eight
    hours by the police, then swiftly lost his job in the state shipping
    firm Caspar, all because his son set up a Facebook group. Majidli
    junior cannot return to Azerbaijan. State TV broadcasts programmes
    that allege Facebook and Twitter cause criminality among Azerbaijan's
    young people. Just last year, the country's chief psychiatrist warned
    that social media caused mental disorders.

    This is the country that will host the IGF (a United Nations
    initiative) and help set the framework for the future of internet
    freedom. While a bitter irony for brave people like Majidli, it's
    more worryingly symbolic. Russia and China have been particularly
    vocal in their desire to grab control of the internet - and the IGF
    is one important vehicle where they can build alliances to begin this
    process. It isn't just autocratic states that want state-led regulation
    of the internet. Just last year, Brazil and South Africa called for
    a global internet governance body. It's a call that has delighted
    the dictators who recognise that taming the internet is a large job
    that cannot be dealt with solely at national level. It isn't just
    about the state censoring websites and ISPs, but also controlling
    protocols, the export of technologies and the telecommunications
    infrastructure. As Prof. Milton Mueller argues in the next issue of
    Index on Censorship magazine:

    "Internet technology - TCP/IP protocols - can be installed in
    computers in North Korea, but it won't make communications in
    that country free. If a repressive government owns and operates the
    telecommunications infrastructure, blocks trade in computer and telecom
    equipment, does not allow a free market for access, devices or services
    to develop ... it's [then] easy to contain and control the internet."

    If the future governance of the internet were in the hands of a
    statutory international body there is no doubt that countries like
    China and Russia would attempt to undermine the multiple underpinnings
    that ensure internet freedom. They may start by undermining the
    ability of private telecoms companies to negotiate directly and
    freely with each other on how their networks operate and bring in
    state oversight. Or they might turn telecoms companies, many of which
    are still state-owned, into the gatekeepers of internet services to
    fragment the internet. Current draconian proposals on cybersecurity
    hark back to a time when state monopolies like BT ruled supreme and
    had teams of spooks working internally to tap phones.

    They expose the concern that the borderless internet is making the
    Westphalian approach to national security increasingly redundant. As
    Index points out in a recent policy paper, while pursuing a global
    agenda, states continue to curtail net freedom at home. Last summer
    Russia created a blacklist of websites that contain "extremist"
    content (condemned by Russian NGOs and political activists who fear
    they will be targeted). China defends the borders of its increasingly
    national internet with its "Great Firewall" (also known tellingly
    as the "Golden Shield Project") and has an internal army of censors
    including 20-50,000 internet police officers alongside a further
    250,000 active party members who monitor and report online content.

    To discuss internet governance with this darkening global outlook in
    a place such as Azerbaijan should wake slumbering Western democrats.

    The backdrop to a discussion can make a difference. The World
    Summit on the Information Society, the IGF's predecessor, was held
    in pre-revolutionary Tunisia in 2005. Ronald Koven of the World
    Press Freedom Committee saw first-hand what happens when you hold
    an internet freedom conference in an autocracy. Speeches criticising
    Tunisia's human rights record were pulled, including a speech by Nobel
    Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, Tunisian delegates shouted down
    views they disliked at the open forums, a Belgium cameraman had his
    equipment seized by the security services. Worse still it is alleged
    that the security services had intercepted emails between NGOs and
    the German Embassy's Goethe Institute as they turned up on mass to
    prevent Tunisian dissidents from attending a meeting there.

    Koven told me that prior to the meeting in Geneva, a group of
    Tunisians approached him and said they were looking forward to seeing
    him in Tunis as "Ca sera voter fete" ("It will be your holiday") a
    colloquialism meaning, "You'll get a working over". A similar pattern
    has preceded the IGF. Internet activists have been rounded up and
    NGOs and politicians have been warned their hotel rooms may be bugged.

    As the Arab Spring has shown, the internet is helping to free people
    across the world from the iron grip of autocracy. The leaking of cables
    by Tunisian dissident website Nawaat exposed the corruption of former
    President Ben Ali and helped topple his dictatorship. The internet
    made it easier than ever before for activists from across the Middle
    East to organise during the Arab Spring, hence the former Egyptian
    government attempting to hold back the revolutionary tide by turning
    it off. So it's of deep concern that the Internet Governance Forum,
    one the most important global conferences on internet freedom, is being
    held in Azerbaijan - one of the world's most tawdry dictatorships.
