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Karabagh Issue On World Agenda

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  • Karabagh Issue On World Agenda

    By Edmond Y. Azadian
    Opinion | November 8, 2012 12:14 pm

    While the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan continue
    meeting and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
    representatives continue visiting the region, the Karabagh conflict
    is still far from being resolved.

    It is fairly obvious that the parties involved in the negotiations
    have a vested interest in keeping the issue unresolved, so that it
    may be used as bargaining power in order to wield pressure on Armenia
    and Azerbaijan.

    People in Karabagh have held a referendum to declare independence,
    which no country has recognized yet. Armenia is in a precarious
    situation and should Yerevan recognize Karabagh's independence, it
    will risk war with Azerbaijan. Since Armenia has not yet recognized
    Karabagh's independence, it cannot ask nor expect other countries to
    recognize it.

    Cynicism is rampant in international politics. Russia waged a war
    against Georgia and recognized the independence of South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia, ignoring Western calls for the principles of territorial
    integrity. Similarly, Europe and the United States forcibly partitioned
    the former Yugoslavia to grant independence to Kosovo.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, many minorities have broken
    away from the main countries to attain independence. For example,
    East Timor was emancipated from Indonesian rule, and more recently
    Southern Sudan became a new country. The issue of territorial integrity
    was not raised in any of those cases, certainly not loudly enough to
    stop the process.

    When the issue comes to Karabagh, however, territorial integrity
    becomes a sacrosanct principle and statesmen who are not embarrassed
    to apply double standards, go to great lengths to explain that
    Karabagh is a "different" case and that each case has political
    parameters different from the others. But, in essence, these
    arguments are falsehoods created to mask the duplicity of cynical
    parties. Even Russia upholds the principle of the "square" wheel
    (equating the principle of territorial integrity with the right to

    Thus, since Armenia cannot recognize Karabagh's independence and Russia
    does not wish to offend Azerbaijan, the issue remains at a stalemate.

    Western countries are eager to preserve Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity, albeit on false promises; additionally it is the Western
    powers' declared policy to break up Iran and to attach its northern
    region to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Time is against Armenia as Azerbaijan is being armed at a rapid pace
    and the partition of Iran looms on the horizon.

    The Armenian Diaspora, with its limited resources, can make a
    difference and the case in point of Australia proves it. Indeed,
    heartening news came from Australia's premiere province, New South

    Wales, whose Parliament has just adopted a resolution recognizing
    the right of self-determination for the people of Karabagh. New South
    Wales is the largest province with a population of 7,273,000 out of
    Australia's 21 million - one third of the country.

    This move may not result in recognition by Australia's federal
    government, but it is a significant first step. More than 40 states
    in the US have individually recognized the Armenian Genocide, which
    has not amounted yet to the recognition by the federal government.

    It is believed that Uruguay may follow suit; it was one of the first
    countries to have recognized the Armenian Genocide.

    Armenians settled in Australia beginning in the 19th century. The
    60,000-strong Armenian community is mostly in Sidney (New South Wales)
    and Melbourne.

    The recent tour of Armenia's Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian
    in Central and South American countries may yield some political
    dividends, especially in generating some movement on the Karabagh

    It is an interesting coincidence that while the New South Wales
    parliament was voting to uphold Karabagh's right to self-determination,
    the Baku government announced that it was recognizing Southern
    Sudan's independence, thus placing on the back burner the principle
    of territorial integrity which constituted the center- piece of that
    country's foreign policy.

    Baku, citing this principle, had even refused to recognize Kosovo's
    independence despite some prodding from Washington.

    Victory in Australia may reflect only minor progress, but any pos-
    itive move by diaspora forces will complement and serve as an exten-
    sion of Armenia's foreign policy.

    Credit is due to the Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Australia
    for pushing through the resolution in the New South Wales Parliament,
    as other Armenian political parties are either virtually nonexistent
    or are ineffective there.

    Some people have given up hope that political activism would pay off,
    but Australia seems to disprove that pessimism. Also, the victory
    achieved in the French Parliament, through the cooperation of combined
    political forces, is another example that there is light at the end
    of the tunnel, although President Francois Hollande has to keep his
    pledge assuring the passage of the resolution criminalizing the denial
    of the Armenian Genocide in France.

    ANCA remains the major force in the US, lobbying to influence
    legislation as the Armenian Assembly is bogged down in lawsuits with
    Gerard Cafesjian. They both seem to be determined to destroy all
    hopes of completing the Genocide Museum in Washington by the year
    2015. This is a historic watershed when Armenians may be engaged in
    self-flagellation, while the Turks celebrate our failure.

    Meanwhile, although we have scored a minor victory in Australia,
    its significance and impact is greater, as it places the Karabagh
    issue on the world political agenda.

