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ANKARA: Turkey Searches Armenian Plane En Route To Syria

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Searches Armenian Plane En Route To Syria


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 8 2012

    Turkey intercepted an Armenian airplane en route to Syria and searched
    its cargo on Thursday in another effort to prevent the use of Turkish
    airspace to supply the Syrian military.

    Officials from the Civil Aviation General Directorate (SHGM) in
    Erzurum allowed the plane to depart after a search that lasted about
    four hours. The technical team that inspected the aircraft confirmed
    that the plane carried nothing but basic foodstuffs and seized none
    of the Air Armenia plane's cargo.

    Also, Transportation Minister Binali Yıldırım has confirmed that
    the Armenian airplane have been ordered to land as part of a routine
    inspection, saying that the aim in such procedure is to prevent any
    arms delivery to war-torn Syria that would claim more Syrian lives.

    Turkish diplomatic sources speaking to Today's Zaman noted that
    the plane was stopped in accordance with procedures defined in the
    1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation, also known as the
    Chicago Convention.

    Diplomatic sources added that before the flight Air Armenia had asked
    Turkish authorities for permission to carry 15 tons of humanitarian
    aid from Yerevan to Aleppo using Turkish airspace.

    According to some Turkish reports, the Turkish technical team
    inspecting the airplane included biologists to determine if the plane
    carried anything that could be used to make biological weapons.

    Diplomatic sources have not confirmed these claims.

    Ankara has stepped up efforts to prevent its airspace from being used
    to supply the Syrian military. Another Armenian plane flying to the
    Syrian city of Aleppo was grounded and searched in mid-October, as
    well as a Syrian airliner traveling from Moscow that was suspected
    of carrying Russian munitions destined for Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad's military. In both cases, the planes were allowed to continue
    on their way to Syria after being inspected.

    From: Baghdasarian