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Big Game In Mesopotamia

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  • Big Game In Mesopotamia

    Big Game In Mesopotamia

    - Igor Muradyan
    Saturday, 10 November 2012, 16:34

    Since its origin Armenia had been closely related with the country of
    Mesopotamia, and recent movement in the development of relations between
    Iraq and Armenia will be an important aspect of our foreign policy. Iraq is
    trying to return to some sovereign countries and play a more important role
    in the Near East like in the previous decades.

    The Arab world had four leaders for a long time: Egypt, Syria, Iraq and
    Saudi Arabia. Currently deadly threat is posed to the existence of the
    first three as sovereign states, to say nothing about the role of leaders
    with claims to the role of regional great powers.

    >From the point of view of geopolitics and more or less influential great
    powers, the Arab world is not organized and needs a revision of internal
    and foreign relations. The Arab politicians and experts have understood
    this. For the first time in modern history they are trying to overcome
    local ambitions and work out agreed solutions being posed to such serious

    The war with Israel, the civil war in Lebanon, the war between Iran and
    Iraq, Iraq's aggression against Kuwait do not compare to the threat of
    `revolutionary' events in Arab states. In this situation everyone came
    understand and feel that this drastic weakening of the Arab world began
    with the liquidation of Iraq as a sovereign state and Arabs cannot regain
    their former strength (though it was nothing special) without regaining
    Iraq's sovereignty.

    Due to some historical, social and political reasons the Iraqi elite was
    ambitious, and together with Cairo Baghdad was viewed as the political
    center of the Arab world. No doubt after the end of the first stage of war
    in Iraq the American experts did not have a clear understanding of the
    future of this country and most importantly whether they would be able to
    restore its territorial integrity. In 2005-2008 the Americans stated
    bluntly that Iraq may save its integrity with assistance from outside but
    one could feel lack of confidence and weak arguments.

    It is clear that the United States is reluctant to demonstrate to the Arabs
    that their intervention led to split of this country. After 2008 scenarios
    of future Iraq were worked out in detail, considering a decentralized
    federation or establishment of three states joined in a union or certain
    obligations. At the same time, Barack Obama's policy of shift of
    responsibility on partners and rivals primarily in the near East envisaged
    less interference in the Iraqi situation and all the three leading
    communities of the country set to consider the political perspective of

    At the same time, while the Kurdish state has basically separated from the
    country, the Shiite and Sunnite communities have suddenly expressed
    interest in political coexistence. Such factors as continuous existence in
    one and centralized state, economic factors and issues of national and
    community security may have played a role.

    One can assume that the Arab experts (including those based in Europe and
    the United States) that the leading Sunnite Arab states have swayed the
    Sunnite leaders of Iraq to overcome the split. Besides, the present Iraqi
    government with a Shiite majority have demonstrated their ability of
    successful development of relations with Arab states, the West, Iran and

    At the same time, Iraq is exposed to new threats coming from the Kurdish
    `belt', as well as Turkish expansion. Iraq is Turkey's main geoeconomic and
    geopolitical goal primarily due to the huge economic potential, as well as
    the necessity of presence in this country to prevent further strengthening
    of the Kurdish state and the influence of Iran.

    Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan are demonstrating rapprochement and mutual
    understanding angering Baghdad which has felt the danger of Turkish
    regional expansion after a lasting period of illusions relating partnership
    with Turkey.

    The United States and its partners France and the United Kingdom support
    Iraq's opposition to Turkish expansion and create a source of oil in the
    north of the country of global character, independent from Baghdad, the
    Shiite community, and from the Arab politics, at the same time. The
    independence of this source of oil is related with the bypassing Turkish
    oil pipes in the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal with an outlet of
    energy infrastructures to the Syrian-Lebanese coast of the Mediterranean

    Iran does not hide its intentions to support Shiites in opposing the
    influence of the United States and the West, Arab states, as well as
    Turkey. Hence, a long-term game is played, planned for decades which is the
    period when Northern Iraq will run out of its oil resource.

    In this situation Baghdad needs to enlarge its international relations
    including the countries of the second circle located farther from Iraq but
    within the boundaries of the Greater Near East. In this regard Armenia is
    viewed by Iraq as a country on good terms with Russia and the United
    States, Iraq's western neighbors Syria and Lebanon, strategic relations
    with Shiite Iraq, as well as Kurds.

    For Armenia Iraq is a country with a major economic potential whose oil
    resources have offset the importance of Caspian oil having mutual claims
    with Turkey and strategic relations with Iran. Iraq is located 10-12 hours
    of ride from Armenia, two hours of flight, and Iran will always promote
    transportation between Iraq and Armenia. The mutual interest between these
    states may grow due to the development of the `Kurdish project' and
    emergence of a new format of the Kurdish state. One way or another, Iraqi
    Kurdistan is located in the political, legal and economic field of Iraq and
    relations with Northern Iraq depend on the relations with Baghdad. Iraqi
    Kurdistan still feels a threat from Turkey and besides the United States,
    Iraq remains the real defender and provider of security of Iraq.
