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Safaryan to Bagratyan: At least you don't speak: We remember your ma

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  • Safaryan to Bagratyan: At least you don't speak: We remember your ma

    Safaryan to Bagratyan: At least you don't speak: We remember your
    management years
    2012-11-09 16:25:10

    The `Heritage' Party Secretary Styopa Safaryan, during the meeting
    with journalists a couple of days ago, said that `In presidential
    elections Levon Ter-Petrosyan's nomination will have more damages than
    As to `Oratert' newspaper the NA ANC Deputy Hrank Bagratyan didn't
    wish to comment Styopa Safaryan's point, he said: `Who is Styopa
    Safaryan to do some comment. How many times I can say. You are talking
    about a person whom I even don't know'. talked to Styopa Safaryan on this issue who said: `To remind
    Hrant Bagratyan, the RA citizen and young politician, the person who,
    in 2008, March 1 hearing that specifically he was brought to Police
    department, together with partners Armen Martirosyan, Larisa
    Alaverdyan, Anahit Bakhshyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Vardan Khacatryan
    tried to clarify his place and reasons of the arrest from the morning
    in Yerevan Police. And as he, already current deputy Bagratyan doesn't
    remember all that than it is only his tragedy. It is not mine and I am
    not going to remind who I am. But the fact is if he is not able to
    keep silence within politeness or pass over my comments which don't
    contain any offence than I am compelled to remind him couple of things
    as unlike him, I remember and know him very well'.
    As he mentioned with an irony `Who is Styopa Safaryan to do comment',
    and doesn't know me, likewise ironically and cynicism `What the hell
    people are' style, he as Prime Minister destroyed Armenia's economy,
    economical capacities, under the name of privatization `covered' and
    defeated national property, for which the RA citizens and Styopa
    Safaryan know and remember him', mentioned Styopa Safaryan.
    In `Heritage' Secretary words similar officials in other state's enjoy
    prison instead of doing `comments'.
    `Moreover their voice is not so high. Any politician, before
    initiating steps, making decisions, saying something, should think
    thoroughly, realize expected damages and benefits, concerning to which
    I talked about Levon Ter-Petrosyan's silence in a polite way and these
    equally relates to everyone. I can advice Bagratyan think before
    saying something. If he considers that he is under the government's
    amnesty but never people' and his. Let he want feel bad that there are
    and will be some people who remember about it as well.
