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Vartan Oskanian's exclusive interview

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  • Vartan Oskanian's exclusive interview

    Vartan Oskanian's exclusive interview
    2012-11-11 17:23:57


    I had an interview with Vartan Oskanian in his office on October 15,
    2012. Great part of the interview was published in French `Nouvelles
    d'Arménie Magazine' (NAM n° 190, On November 1). Complete Armenian
    version is published on NAM internet page.
    It is important for our Magazine editorial to confirm that VO is
    currently being subjected to shameful political persecution which,
    undoubtedly, makes him a victim. That is why NAM is obliged to support
    him. And who is the real VO as a politician, let everyone decide for
    himself. This long interview for which VO agreed should help in that
    Seda Mavyan
    NAM is sold in the store located in the square after Aznavour (in
    front of the Moscow cinema) and in Amiryan street corner (in front of
    SAS supermarket Mashtots Avenue) since the beginning of 15 from each


    Mr. Oskanyian I know that persecution carried out towards you
    obviously has political motivation, accordingly, my questions won't
    regard to its legal side but only to the political one. If we go a
    little back to February, 2012 when you returned to politics. Why did
    you decide to get involved in `Prosperous Armenia' Party (PAP)?

    VO: For a couple of reasons. Firstly, merely with ideology we didn't
    have any disagreements: it is a centralized and moderate party.
    Secondly, I admired the fact that this Party is open for any type of
    political influential figures and has never demonstrated any
    aggression to other political parties as well as has never assaulted
    any political figure. But the main reason of the involvement in the
    PAP is that I was convinced, that only PAP is able to solve the main
    issue of Armenia which is: creation of counterbalances for the
    government by recovering political field through the wide circle of
    Party's reputation and supporters. I told myself if my membership
    promotes strengthening the party and won't let the Republican to get
    absolute majority of votes during the parliamentary election on May 6,
    if I can create the real and not formal coalition, that will be very
    efficient for the democratization of the country and we can really
    recover the political sphere.

    SM: You stated there is an ideological similarity between you and the
    PAP. But what is the PAP's ideology which we cannot even define by
    proceeding to the party's published pre-election program before
    parliamentary elections which was tragically poor. By the way, you
    noted that you wished to strengthen the PAP. How that Party could be
    more strengthened with your help?

    VO: For me the priority was to recover the political field as I think
    the main disaster of our country, which is the cause of all other
    issues, is the existence of monopoly. By the way, since the
    independence of Armenia although the collapse of the Soviet system,
    the ruling Party's ideology still remains. This is the source of all
    issues. I thought that through PAP the political monopoly will be
    probable to eliminate. But that didn't work as parliamentary elections
    were forged. If they weren't forged, today's government would have had
    different image with a solid counterbalance and acting real
    coalition. Only one Party (RPA) or an individual (Serzh Sargsyan)
    won't be able to do what they want anymore as they are to take into
    account other political forces and we will be on the path of real
    democracy. I repeat that it didn't work, as parliamentary elections
    were falsified but I will continue to fight for that purpose. As I
    consider that is possible through the PAP for which I am involved in
    that Party.
    Returning to the question on party's ideology, I must say that
    pre-election program and Party's ideology should be different. The
    latter is not concluded in the pre-election program but in the party's
    executive document and Charter. I repeat: PAP is centralized,
    moderate, based on cooperation and conversation, constructive,
    believes in just, freedom, tolerance, free competition and property
    inviolability, free market cooperation principle, when equal
    conditions are created for market entrance as well as I do consider we
    should be faithful to the national values and traditions and not
    oppose them to globalization and progress brought developments. I
    repeat, taking into consideration all these points I thought that
    through the PAP I can achieve the desired goal.

    SM: We accept your reasoning. But how can we admit that you are in a
    political struggle with a man (Gagik Tsarukyan) about whom the
    followings are said like he was convinced for a serious crime before,
    uses TV exclusively for his and his party's cult propaganda, has a
    strong friendship with Belarussian President and I only mentioned 3
    points what is being circulated. Likewise facts didn't stop you to
    join the PAP?

    VO: I don't agree with the above mentioned. I know Tsarukyan from the
    moment when I started to negotiate with him and observed his activity.

    SM: Means from when?

    VO: From the establishment of the Party (in 2004) when I was the
    Minister of Foreign Affairs. Started from that time I observed his
    activity and at the end of 2010 started to communicate with him and
    study the issue on my membership to the Party. Concerning his
    personality I don't reserve to talk about that and don't accept terms
    of your questions. Except that there is no need to give such an
    importance to the relations of this or that state's President. His
    personal relations have nothing to do with the Party's ideology. He is
    a businessman and has to be in a relationship with state presidents
    including Belorussian President. There is no need to judge Party's
    ideology proceeding from his personal or business relations.
