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We Did Not Sell Arms to Syria

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  • We Did Not Sell Arms to Syria

    Dan website, Podgorica, Montenegro
    Nov 6 2012

    We Did Not Sell Arms to Syria

    [Translated from Serbian]

    Statement issued by Serbian CRP Impeks Company

    We have been shocked to read your articles on the sales of arms and
    munitions to Syria, in which you made a grave accusation against our
    firm of involvement in impermissible export in September 2009, which
    is a complete untruth. With this kind of untrue reporting, you have
    done untold harm to our firm, in view of the fact that we had nothing
    to do with the shipment in question. Neither then nor before or after
    that time have we ever shipped a single piece of weaponry, munitions,
    or any other goods to Syria or any other country under a (UN, US,
    OSCE, or EU) embargo. As well, our firm has never exported anything to
    the Armenian firm DG Arms, either. Export procedures in our country,
    as well as in yours, are far more serious and complex, so this kind of
    thing is not possible even if one wanted to do it.

    The Photostats of the document (combined customs form) that you
    submitted as evidence, as well as other documents, are dirty,
    dangerous, and badly executed forgeries made by malicious people and
    we are hereby asking you to examine them carefully and submit them to
    an expert analysis. The forgeries in question had been circulated also
    in the past and the ministries and competent services in both
    Montenegro and Serbia established at the time that they were obvious
    forgeries, besides which the ship in question, Barbet Arrow, did not
    visit the Port of Bar at the relevant time. It is a big question
    whether it has ever been in the Port of Bar at all. According to our
    information, the stamp on the Montinspekt document with the cited call
    signal (Oxco2), IMO number (8102024), and Port of Registry (Nakskov)
    belongs to the ship Danica Green, which was in the Port of Bar on 28
    November 2007. Not to mention numerous other illogicalities and
    inaccuracies contained in the published forged documents. It is
    surprising that your newspaper should have so blithely published such
    untruths and sweeping generalizations about the alleged deals without
    first consulting expert services in Serbia and Montenegro that control
    arms and military equipment trade (and transport). It is glaringly
    obvious that the intention of the reporter was to create a sensation
    rather than to establish the facts. In a very short time, we will be
    submitting also reports from the Port of Bar and others that you named
    in your text that will confirm all our assertions.

    As for the article about the export of old Chinese rifles to the
    United States, in your ignorance of the facts, you again fabricated
    lies and falsely accused us, since the entire enterprise was carried
    out in conformity with US laws (as well as Montenegrin, Serbian, and
    Albanian laws, of course), which allow the import into the United
    States of rifles that are over 50 years old, because such rifles are
    considered to be historical artifacts and rarities. Their buyers are
    US collectors, not some kind of Mexican drug cartels. The entire
    enterprise was approved by the US government (which issued an
    international import certificate, which clearly states that the items
    in question are of Chinese origin). Also, the US buyer, Sentry Arms
    [as published], submitted documentation issued by the competent US
    ministry about taking delivery of the Chinese rifles.

    Therefore, all of your allegations are based on the grossest
    falsities, unverified facts, insinuations, and ignorance of
    international laws governing the trade in and the transport of

    We reiterate once again that all of our company's activities are fully
    in keeping with the laws of Serbia, as well as those of Montenegro for
    goods transiting through its territory, and are fully under the
    control of the numerous competent ministries and services.

    With this kind of malicious reporting, you have done us untold harm
    and we will be forced to institute legal proceedings against the
    newspaper, the reporter, and the person or persons unknown that forged
    the customs documentation and to seek financial redress, CRP Impeks
    Comp any says in its response.

    [Translated from Serbian]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress