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An artistic breeze blows in Saifi

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  • An artistic breeze blows in Saifi

    The Daily Star (Lebanon)
    November 8, 2012 Thursday

    An artistic breeze blows in Saifi

    by Chirine Lahoud

    Lebanon is nothing if not multicultural. The mixing of French, English
    and Arabic in one sentence, the mingling of tradition with the
    trappings of modernity make Lebanon appear unique.

    BEIRUT: Lebanon is nothing if not multicultural. The mixing of French,
    English and Arabic in one sentence, the mingling of tradition with the
    trappings of modernity make Lebanon appear unique. There are strong
    multicultural undertones running beneath the latest group show at
    Saifi Village's Alwane Gallery, which includes paintings by Maral Der
    Boghossian and Louma Rabah, along with the sculptures of Samia Baroudi
    and Sylvia Dakkak.

    Born in 1976, Boghossian mixes traditional Middle Eastern motifs with
    representations of buildings, landscapes and self-portraits. In her
    artist's statement, she explains that "integrating patterns ... is
    [her way] to give an identity to this urban space which is about to
    lose its own."

    In her mixed media triptych work "La Ville et les Signes I" (The City
    and the Signs I), viewers immediately understand Boghossian's
    objective. In the foreground of her depiction of a cityscape are a
    cluster of white triangular objects that resemble the sails of
    pleasure boats, with the predominant shades of blue punctuated by
    variations on a theme of yellow.

    The scene is deceptively realistic, with traces of rectangular
    tapestry - each betraying a distinctly Middle Eastern motif - standing
    in for building facades.

    Though there is something slightly suffocating in these juxtaposed
    layers of color, the effect of the piece is ultimately soothing.

    The same approach is evident in another Boghossian triptych,
    "Inoubliable Ville Multiculturelle" (Unforgettable Multicultural
    City). Here the layering of architectural and handicraft motifs are
    supplemented with a trio of stylish angels.

    You might assume the work betrays some theological preoccupations on
    the part of the artist. In fact Boghossian has borrowed these figures
    from the tradition of Persian and Armenian miniatures. In her artist's
    statement, she proposes that the blending of cultures is like the
    weaving of carpets.

    The work of Rabah is also preoccupied with cityscapes, though she
    seems uninterested in blending traditional and modern motifs and her
    palette is more exhaustive.

    Rabah's "Maktouaa Bil Hayel Tahtene" (Stranded in the Lower
    Neighborhood) is a depiction of a city at night. At the bottom of the
    canvas, the edifices are submerged in darkness - represented in black
    and azure - while the upper part of the piece is dappled with strong
    reds, blues, greens and yellows.

    Baroudi's sculptures all work with the theme of the whirling dervish -
    aka the Mawlawi Sufi in the midst of his dhikr - and the 12 clay works
    on display here portray dancers or musicians. With one arm directed
    skyward and billowing skirt, Baroudi's representation of the dervish
    is meant to suggests the impression of movement, a challenging task in
    clay sculpture.

    Dakkak's sculptures are completely different.

    Her 20 sculptures represent a dog, woman, donkey or elephant among
    other figures, all in vivid colors. The irregular application of color
    gives Dakkak's work an echo of art naïve.

    This collective show is up at Alwane Gallery in Saifi Village until
    Nov. 21. For more information, please call 01-975-250.

    From: A. Papazian