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Book Buzz: The Sandcastle Girls, Black Count

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  • Book Buzz: The Sandcastle Girls, Black Count

    The Herald, Utah
    Nov 11 2012

    Book Buzz: The Sandcastle Girls, Black Count

    by Carla Zollinger - Correspondent

    'The Sandcastle Girls'

    In 1915, Elizabeth Endicott decided to leave her home in Boston and
    travel with her father to Aleppo, Syria. Their mission was to aid the
    refugees fleeing from the Armenian genocide.

    What they found was a nightmare of death and torment far beyond
    anything they could have imagined. But amid the despair and violence,
    Elizabeth also found friendship and love. Friendship with an Armenian
    woman Elizabeth rescues from the camps, and love with an Armenian
    engineer whose wife and child have disappeared somewhere in the

    "The Sandcastle Girls" by Chris Bohjalian is a beautiful historical
    novel set during a period of history that few Americans are familiar
    with. Bohjalian's lovely prose and heart-wrenching story of loss is
    captivating. Elizabeth's story is narrated by her granddaughter, which
    gives it a very personal touch.

    Novels of World War II and the Holocaust abound in recent literature,
    but here is a chance for readers to learn more about another equally
    tragic period of world history.

    'The Black Count'

    Any time I am asked for my all-time favorite book, I easily answer
    "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexander Dumas. So, when I learned
    that parts of Edmond Dantes's story was based on the life and travails
    of the author's father, I knew that was a biography I had to read.

    I was not disappointed.

    In "The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count
    of Monte Cristo." author Tom Reiss describes General Alexander Dumas
    as a legendary soldier of mixed race that fought for his beloved
    French Republic and was eventually promoted to leading 50,000 men. The
    father's adventures and courage proved to inspire his son's most
    remembered literary scenes such as D'Artagnan's three-duel day and
    Edmond's unjustifiable prison sentence.

    Much like Dumas's work, Reiss includes a great deal of historical
    detail and context as he presents General Dumas to his readers, but
    again like Dumas, the depth is rewarding. Any fan or student of the
    beloved author will want to learn more of his father, an inspiring man
    whom history has almost forgotten.

    - Carla Zollinger is a librarian with the Provo City Library. Email
    her at [email protected].
