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New Situation.What's Next?

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  • New Situation.What's Next?

    Monday, 12 November 2012 09:35

    Will the mediators reconsider their previous approaches to the
    conflict settlement?

    As we know, a visit of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen to the region
    is expected in November. It was arranged at the October 27 meeting of
    the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the Minsk Group
    co-chairs in Paris.

    The information on the Paris meeting itself was quite poor. It
    was only noted in the OSCE statement issued on its results that
    the mediators had presented some new proposals to the parties and
    the "Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia confirmed their
    readiness to continue the work with the co-chairs on the achievement
    of a peaceful settlement".

    Actually, nothing more could be expected from the meeting in the French
    capital. The situation created by "Safarov's case" did not absolutely
    leave any room even for timid hope for the slightest progress in the
    Karabakh settlement. The negotiation process was stricken a severe
    blow, from which it will hardly be able to recover in a short time. In
    the current conditions, we can firmly state that nothing serious can
    be expected from the upcoming visit of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs
    to the region.

    Today, most experts believe that the negotiation process is in a
    deadlock. As a result of the openly provocative actions of Azerbaijan,
    the tension between the parties has greatly increased, which makes
    many political analysts state the increased possibility of the military
    activities' resumption. Under the existing situation, the co-chairs of
    the Minsk Group consider that their goal is to prevent the conflict's
    entering into a hot phase and to try to keep the negotiation process
    ongoing. We can suppose that the mediators' new proposals and ideas,
    which were discussed at the Paris meeting, are aimed just at the
    achievement of this goal, because they should understand that it is
    merely naive to date to speak about a comprehensive settlement.

    But, it is important to emphasize that the issue of the conflict fair
    settlement is not connected only with the position of Azerbaijan,
    which is well known and which will not radically change in the nearest
    future. To be true, the matter is also in the position of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. To be fair, we should note that it used great efforts
    to reach a final arrangement between the parties, offering them
    several options of the conflict settlement. We cannot blame it for
    being passive and ineffective, as Azerbaijan does it, and we accept
    its statement that an agreement should be achieved, first of all, by
    the conflicting parties themselves. But, we'd like to make a comment.

    For its twenty-year activity, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs should,
    first of all, have got convinced that Azerbaijan is not able to conduct
    civilized and responsible negotiations supposing respectful attitude
    to both the opponents in the political dialogue and the agreements
    reached. Second, they should admit that times have changed and,
    consequently, changed is the situation in the world in general.

    So, the international mediators should reconsider their approaches to
    and methodology of the Karabakh issue resolution and should refuse
    of the previous old schemes of settlement and take the realities
    differently. The reality is that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic is
    an established state, and considering the ongoing military threats
    of Azerbaijan, as well as the tendencies of development of the
    geopolitical processes in the world, there is no alternative to the
    legal recognition of its factual independence.

    I would suggest that this obvious truth is realized also by
    the international mediators. While earlier any of them, though
    hypothetically, admitted the possibility of coexistence between Nagorno
    Karabakh and Azerbaijan under a single "roof" (let's remember, at
    least, the proposal of the Minsk Group on the "common state"), after
    the pardon of murderer Safarov there are hardly any illusions left on
    this. This means that the Minsk Group co-chairs should build their
    mediation mission in accordance with the current reality and should
    convince Azerbaijan of the futility of its plans to subject Nagorno
    Karabakh to its jurisdiction. First, as noted by Armenia's Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandian, it is necessary "to force Azerbaijan to
    the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict". Since the
    Baku regime, refusing to notice either the change in the position of
    the international community or the started process of international
    recognition of the right of the Artsakh people to self-determination,
    remains committed to the military way and still states its readiness
    for "any option" (i.e. military) of the issue's solution.

    This political "blindness" of official Baku allows some experts
    to speak about the archaic diplomatic tactics and strategy of
    Azerbaijan on Karabakh and, as a consequence, about the stalemate
    in the Karabakh settlement. But, let's make a small remark - while
    stalemate in chess means a draw, in our case, we can only speak about
    the victory of Nagorno-Karabakh as an objective reality. The reward
    for this victory became the independent state status of the NKR,
    which, as repeatedly stated by the authorities of the Republic,
    is not subject to any discussion.

    Leonid MARTIROSSIAN Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
