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Sos Culture Training Of Trainers And Steering Committee Formation In

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  • Sos Culture Training Of Trainers And Steering Committee Formation In


    News from Armenia and Diaspora - Noyan Tapan
    13-11-2012 10:51:17

    On 16th -18th of November, 2012 in Berdavan, Tavush region a Training
    of Trainers (ToT), and the official inauguration of a newly renovated
    room for the local SOS Culture Youth Club will take place.

    Additionally the SOS Culture Steering Committee will be formed. SOS
    Culture is an EU funded project, implemented by the Foundation for the
    Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) in cooperation
    with dvv international - Georgia Country office and Research on
    Armenian Architecture Foundation (RAA).

    The SOS Culture ToT will cover the content and training skills required
    to effectively accomplish the objectives of the EU funded SOS Culture
    Project. The aim of this training is to provide instruction that
    enables the trainers and youth club coordinators to conduct training
    courses in the SOS Culture Youth Clubs basing on innovative teaching

    On November 18th, important stakeholders as for example representatives
    of local municipalities as well as of local and regional cultural
    organizations will be invited to join in a SOS Culture Steering
    Committee. The formation of a SOS Culture Steering Committee will
    ensure that the local stakeholders are aware of the relevance of the
    project for cross border cultural dialogue as well as for community
    development. The committee will contribute to create local ownership
    and sustainability for the SOS Culture Project.

    The event will finalize with the official inauguration of the new
    SOS Culture room in the Berdavan Municipality. The renovation of the
    room was sponsored by VivaCell-MTS. The 60 members of the SOS Culture
    Youth Club in Berdavan will continue their trainings in the renovated,
    comfortable and spacious room.

    With an overall duration of 24 months, the SOS Culture project is
    funded by the European Union within the framework of the Eastern
    Partnership Culture Programme. SOS Culture relies on the active
    involvement of youth (age 14 -23) from different national and ethnic
    origins living in the target areas of Armenia and Georgia. The young
    people participate in protection and research activities, implemented
    in the vicinity of their villages. The overall objective of the project
    is to register and preserve endangered cultural assets in the remote
    border regions of Armenia and Georgia with the involvement of local
    citizenry. Involvement of local communities will in its turn promote
    economic, social and cultural development in the areas, covered by
    the project. The EU is supporting this project with 492,754 Euro.

    VivaCell-MTS is the general partner of FPWC. The company highly
    appreciates the SOS Culture project for its approach to support the
    preservation of cultural monuments in remote regions of Armenia. The
    municipality of Berdavan contributed to the SOS Culture project by
    providing the room in the town hall for free.

    On November 18th media representatives will also have the opportunity
    to meet the stakeholders and all project partners in order to receive
    an insight in the SOS Culture Project.

