November 15, 2012 | 23:42
Armenia is ranked 77in the list of the best countries for doing
business issued by Forbes.
"Armenia will need to pursue additional economic reforms and to
strengthen the rule of law in order to regain economic growth and
improve economic competitiveness and employment opportunities,
especially given its economic isolation from two of its nearest
neighbors, Turkey and Azerbaijan," says Armenia's profile in Forbes.
Baltic States are the best among post-Soviet states. Azerbaijan is
the 73rd, while Georgia is ranked the 50th. Russia is left out of
100 best countries falling to the 105th spot.
New Zealand tops the rankings thanks to a transparent and stable
business climate that encourages entrepreneurship.
November 15, 2012 | 23:42
Armenia is ranked 77in the list of the best countries for doing
business issued by Forbes.
"Armenia will need to pursue additional economic reforms and to
strengthen the rule of law in order to regain economic growth and
improve economic competitiveness and employment opportunities,
especially given its economic isolation from two of its nearest
neighbors, Turkey and Azerbaijan," says Armenia's profile in Forbes.
Baltic States are the best among post-Soviet states. Azerbaijan is
the 73rd, while Georgia is ranked the 50th. Russia is left out of
100 best countries falling to the 105th spot.
New Zealand tops the rankings thanks to a transparent and stable
business climate that encourages entrepreneurship.