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Ex-Premier: Armenia'S Draft State Budget 2013 Does Not Meet The Chal

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  • Ex-Premier: Armenia'S Draft State Budget 2013 Does Not Meet The Chal


    Thursday, November 15, 15:54

    Armenia's draft state budget 2013 does not meet the challenges that
    Armenia's economy may face, Hrant Bagratyan, member of the opposition
    Armenian National Congress Faction, ex-prime minister of Armenia,
    said in Parliament on Thursday.

    He said that the wealthy people do not replenish the budget and do
    not pay taxes. This reduces the consumption level in the country, and
    businessmen get interested in taking their capital abroad. Bagratyan
    pointed out that according to the Central Bank's data, the annual
    outflow of capital from Armenia totals 1 bln USD. One more problem of
    the country's economy is the oligarchic structure, which also hinders
    development of economy, he said.

    He meant that the economy is controlled by those who have a decisive
    impact on the budget drafting. They adopt a document, which is
    beneficial to them. Bagratyan also stressed that the development of the
    banking system over the past ten years has resulted in the fact that
    the banks receive not only an ordinary profit, but also a rent from
    the real sector of economy, which abruptly reduces the internal stimuli
    for the economic development. "All these factors cause migration that
    has reached unprecedented sizes", the ex- premier stressed and added
    that the ANC Faction submitted about 40 specific offers to introduce
    amendments in the draft budget, but has received no response.

    To note, the Government suggests approving the revenues of the
    consolidated state budget of 2013 at 1 trillion 31 billion AMD,
    spending - at 1 trillion 151 billion AMD. The deficit is set at about
    120 bln AMD, or 2.6% of GDP. The 12-month inflation is forecasted
    with the range 4+1.5%, and GDP growth - 6.2%. ($1 - 406.57 AMD). The
    revenues of the budget will exceed the indices of 2012 by 13.2%. Taxes
    and duties will constitute a big part of the state budget revenues -
    96.25%. Official grants and other revenues will be 1.6% and 2.16%
    respectively. The proceeds from taxes and state duties will total
    992.9 bln AMD, which is by 118 bln AMD more than in 2012.

    The share of taxes and duties in Armenia's GDP will be 21.88%, which is
    by 0.6- 0.8% more that in 2012. Official grants from foreign states
    and international organizations will total 16.4 bln AMD, of which
    82% - from the European Union. In additions grants are expected from
    the Government of Germany, international financial institutions and
    a number of states. Other revenues will total 22.3 bln AMD. It is
    envisaged to receive these funds from the Central Bank. Spending of
    the budget will be by 16.9% or by 190 bln AMD higher than in 2012.

    83.1% of these funds will be operating costs and 16.9% or 190 bln AMD -
    capital expenditure.
