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Ankara: Turkey Says It Recognizes Syrian Opposition

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  • Ankara: Turkey Says It Recognizes Syrian Opposition


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 15 2012

    Turkey has recognized Syria's newly formed opposition coalition as the
    country's legitimate representative, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
    revealed on Thursday.

    "In Doha last week, the Syrian opposition decided to join forces for
    their common objective," Davutoglu said, referring to an agreement
    reached after a week-long meeting of Syria's anti-regime groups to
    unite and create the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and
    Revolutionary Forces, held in Qatar's capital.

    "Turkey, wholeheartedly welcoming this important achievement, once
    again reiterates its recognition of the Syrian National Coalition as
    the legitimate representative of the Syrian people and calls upon all
    our brothers in the OIC to do so," Davutoglu said in an address at
    a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Djibouti.

    He suggested that Turkey had declared its recognition of the new
    coalition before, but did not say when the earlier statement was made.

    An official clarified the point, saying Davutoglu's visit to Doha
    twice in one week to join the Syrian opposition was a manifestation
    of the Turkish policy.

    It is not clear if the recognition of the Syrian National Coalition for
    Opposition and Revolutionary Forces as the legitimate representative
    of the Syrian people will affect the status of the Syrian diplomatic
    representation in Turkey.

    The Turkish move comes after France became the first European power to
    recognize Syria's new opposition coalition as the sole representative
    of its people on Tuesday. While announcing the decision, French
    President Francois Hollande also said that his country would look
    into arming opposition forces against President Bashar al-Assad once
    they form a government.

    Arab League and EU foreign ministers meeting in Cairo on Tuesday
    welcomed the formation of the coalition as an important step forward,
    although a communiqué they released after the meeing showed they
    had not reached a unanimous decision to recognize it as Syria's
    sole authority.

    British Foreign Secretary William Hague, also said more needed to be
    done to rally support inside Syria before London would recognize the
    coalition as the rightful government of Syria.

    The US also recognized the leadership body announced in Qatar on
    Sunday as a legitimate representative, but stopped short of describing
    it as the sole representative of Syria, saying the group must first
    demonstrate its ability to represent Syrians inside the country.
