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Expert deems Karabakh war possible in face of security threats

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  • Expert deems Karabakh war possible in face of security threats

    Expert deems Karabakh war possible in face of security threats

    November 16, 2012 - 19:47 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Experts are inclined to overestimate the real
    explosive potential in Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone, Russian
    political analyst said.
    According to Vitaly Trofimov, the regular provocations don't bring
    about tangible complications at the contact line.
    He noted the position of regional geopolitical actors, international
    developments and expertise as the factors worth considering when
    preventing the escalation of the conflict.
    The expert further deemed Karabakh war possible in the face of serious
    factors posing threat to the regional security, such as launch of
    operations in Syria and Iran timed to escalation of global economic
    `Even such incidents as the Safarov case are unlikely to bring about
    real escalation of the conflict,' News-Azerbaijan reported.
