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BAKU: Armenian lobby is our enermy-President

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  • BAKU: Armenian lobby is our enermy-President

    Armenian lobby is our enermy-President

    Sat 17 November 2012 11:05 GMT | 11:05 Local Time
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    Ilham Aliyev
    On 16 November, the Buta palace hosted a reception on the occasion of the
    20th anniversary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP).

    The event was attended by Azerbaijani President Chairman of the New
    Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva.

    The president touched upon the activity of the Armenian lobby and
    "I have repeatedly said and I want to repeat it in open that Armenian lobby
    is our enemy. Because Armenia, as a country, is of no importance. In fact,
    it is a colony, an outpost, the territory governed from abroad which was
    artificially created in ancient Azerbaijani lands. Armenian lobby is our
    main enemy and we are the main enemy for them. In fact, the source of our
    enmity with them is their enmity with us. Second is anti-Azerbaijani
    center, structures and circles infected with Islamophobia. Unfortunately,
    their number is growing all the time.

    The growth in their number was manifested during the elections held in some
    countries. The results of elections make the growth of the rating of
    Islamophobia forces clear. The young, dynamically developing, independent
    and modern Muslim country- Azerbaijan has become a problem for them since
    it does not fit their stereotypes. Their stereotypes seek to show Muslims
    in the world as a backward nation, people.
    We already have a strong state-independent Azerbaijani state. We have an
    exact concept, the development program. As a result of this program
    Azerbaijan will add to the list of developed states".


    From: Baghdasarian