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A Committee of Champions

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  • A Committee of Champions

    A Committee of Champions

    Friday, November 16th, 2012

    The ANCA-Western Region 2012 Banquet Committee


    I'm told character is who you are and what you do when no one is
    looking. Maybe. But here's another thought.

    Character is what you are exposed to when everyone is watching-when
    every move counts, decisions are ambiguous and temptations are
    greatest. In other words, character - for better or for worse - is
    what you do and how you act when the going gets tough.

    To build and develop character is not easy - especially when it comes to
    the non-profit sector. When you volunteer your time, energy and
    talent, you are at will. No paycheck. No family ties. No pink slip
    or boss to reprimand you. When the water boils, you're a free agent.
    Walk away and don't look back.

    Imagine the character building surrounding the 2012 ANCA-WR Annual
    Banquet. Program, honorees, timeline, fundraising, sponsorship, guest
    relations and media coupled with history book worthy Presidential,
    Congressional and Statewide elections. If any environment can get the
    water boiling, this is it!

    No need to be a glutton for punishment, but there is a certain
    discipline and satisfaction with realizing that choosing the less
    convenient and even grueling path pays a higher dividend. To say that
    the ANCA-WR office was working over-time this year is an
    understatement. In the months leading to the banquet, the ANCA-WR
    office was electrifying. Once the elevator doors cracked open, the
    energy of the 2nd floor hit hard. It embraced you like a boutique
    cardio studio pumped with pure oxygen. Within minutes, you lost track
    of time and pending responsibilities and absorbed the natural high of
    being a part of a huge victory. For the late comers, the problem
    wasn't finding a legal parking space or a seat at the table- it was
    finding a seat period!

    As highlighted by the hundreds of Facebook and Instragram posts,
    articles and pictures, the Annual Banquet was a huge hit. More than
    1,000 guests, supporters and friends celebrated the success of the
    ANCA-WR with a grand reception dinner and awards ceremony featuring
    activists and community leaders who have maintained an extreme level
    of commitment to advance the Armenian Cause.

    Excellent program.
    Extraordinary honorees.
    Energized volunteer force.

    The success of the annual banquet belongs to our volunteers. This
    year, our committee was 20 volunteers strong. Our volunteers joined
    our ANCA family from all walks of life and professions. The team
    featured a collective force of experience, skill and knowledge. This
    year's volunteers energized not only the program but galvanized the
    jaded veterans.

    New ANCA volunteers jumped on board and took ownership of major
    projects. From programming to silent auction to database to decor, the
    meeting room continuously erupted with passion and talent. As the
    weeks passed and friendships formed over lukewarm coffee and stale
    peanuts, the tables turned. Novice members would call the old-timers
    with progress reports and instructions. I remember the colorful words
    I mentally repeated when I was called in to the office on a Friday
    night by the newest member of our ANCA family to help with a project.
    As I changed into my never-to-be-worn-in-public Roxy sweats and
    slipped on my Havaianas, I realized that the measure of success is not
    the banquet itself - but the growth and embrace of our most valued
    asset - our supporters and friends.

    I skipped and jumped into the ANCA-WR office a few minutes past 9:00
    p.m. with the energy of an Olympian. I joined three young, beautiful
    and fabulous professionals who drove to Glendale in Friday evening
    traffic to help OUR organization. Over greasy In-and-Out burgers and
    small talk, we worked past midnight and made sure one more item was
    crossed off the banquet to-do list. And the list goes on with examples

    So if there is one sure way to develop character, this committee did
    it. We set unprecedented records. We received rave review from
    Congressional offices, guests and supporters. We informed, educated
    and motivated our grassroots to embrace another year of activism in
    our region.

    We did well!

    To my teammates! We live in a world where we all need to multi-task.
    We look for ways to make things easier. We identify apps to help us
    juggle life. We outsource. We align forces. We laugh. We yell. We
    scream. We throw tantrums. We celebrate. We motivate. And at the
    end, we reflect on the power of unity, guided by passion and motivated
    by our Cause and we realize, once again, that what we do serves a
    two-fold purpose- it builds character and builds our future.

    One Nation. One Future. One Cause.
