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27 Syrian-Armenian Schools Receive Ars Endowments

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  • 27 Syrian-Armenian Schools Receive Ars Endowments

    Monday, November 19th, 2012 | Posted by Contributor

    Armenian Relief Society

    Various ARS Projects in Place to Assist the Syrian-Armenian Community

    WATERTOWN, Mass.-The Regional Executive Board of the Armenian Relief
    Cross of Syria has informed the ARS Central Executive Board that the
    sum of $100,000.00 collected for the ARS "Assistance to the
    Syrian-Armenian Schools Fund" is being distributed to all
    Syrian-Armenian schools.

    According to the chairperson of the ARC of Syria Regional Executive
    Board, Anna Hagopian, 27 Armenian schools in Aleppo, Damascus, Kesab,
    Latakia, Kamishli and other areas have received funds from the
    $100,000.00 endowment (see the list of the schools below). "All the
    schools outside of Aleppo have been open for months, while the upper
    classes of the Aleppo schools are held in Armenian centers and in
    schools located in secure areas. We are hopeful," she stated, "that
    conditions will soon be conducive to reopen the grade schools, as

    ARS Central Executive Board member, Zepure E. Reisian added, "As we
    had previously announced, the sums received by the Armenian schools
    will be allotted to the balance of needy students' tuitions, as well
    as supplying financial assistance to the needs of the schools
    themselves, while also relieving the financial burden on the parents."

    It is important to note that, in addition to the ARS "Assistance to
    the Syrian-Armenian Schools Fund", all ARS entities around the world
    are raising additional funds for Syrian-Armenian relief. "The ARC of
    Syria," its Regional Executive Board Chairperson declared, "continues
    to function in Aleppo and other areas of Syria. After a period of
    forced inactivity, the ARC has reactivated its dispensary and
    laboratory in order to satisfy the existing needs. We have also
    started a medical assistance center in the Armenian-populated quarter
    of Suleymanieh. Working against great odds, we energetically continue
    to help needy families and students, without sparing any effort to
    extend a helping hand to the children of the "Refuge" (Badsbaran). In
    the present conditions we are, of course, collaborating closely with
    the United Body of Immediate Assistance and the Prelacy - particularly
    with His Eminence, the Prelate, himself," concluded the Chairperson.

    In the context of improving the conditions faced by the
    Syrian-Armenian community, immediate steps are also being taken by
    ARS/Armenia and our Lebanon entity, since a good number of
    Syrian-Armenians have sought refuge in Armenia and Lebanon.

    In the Homeland, the ARS/Armenia Regional Executive Board has already
    formed its committee to manage Syrian-Armenian issues. This committee,
    which convenes weekly, organizes public gatherings in Yerevan's "Aram
    Manukyan" Center, and provides information and guidance on issues
    faced by Syrian-Armenians residing in Armenia, particularly in the
    areas of education, health and legal problems. In cooperation with the
    "Help Your Brother" project, the ARS/Armenia Regional Executive Board
    has shipped much-needed medications to Aleppo, secured through their
    own efforts and partially received from the ARS/Western USA. In
    anticipation of the soon-to-arrive winter months, ARS/Armenia has
    secured food, warm clothing and blankets for needy families. Narineh
    Galstyan, chairperson of ARS/Armenia, is a member of the special
    committee formed by the Armenia's Diaspora Ministry to handle
    Syrian-Armenian issues.

    In Lebanon, taking into consideration that community institutions are
    involved in securing educational and other needs, the ARC has
    primarily concentrated on social and medical services, and the "Araxi
    Boulghourdjian" Sociomedical Center has provided its resources in the
    service of all Syrian-Armenians, with no exceptions. On an average, 25
    Syrian-Armenian cases present themselves daily at the various
    departments of the ARC, and all of them receive solutions to their
    diverse problems.

    The Armenian Relief Society has also studied the cases and needs of
    college students who have left Syria due to the present turmoil and
    ended up in Armenia or Lebanon - by now, the Armenian authorities have
    already cancelled tuitions for Syrian-Armenian students. The ARS
    continues to closely monitor conditions in other countries.

    In answer to questions posed to her, ARS Central Executive Board
    chairperson, Vicky Marashlian, stated, "Twenty-seven ARS entities in
    various countries were the very first in their Armenian communities to
    start a fundraising movement to assist the Syrian-Armenian Community.

    The results of that endeavor have already reached Syria and have been
    allotted to the Syrian-Armenian schools. Our entities and membership
    continue their fundraising efforts within the community-effort
    context, while on the ground they actively serve the diverse needs of
    the Syrian-Armenians. I want to express my deep appreciation to the
    ARC/Syria membership, still on the ramparts of their duties, doing
    their very best to serve their people regardless of the prevailing
    conditions of chaos and insecurity. With the assistance of the global
    ARS family, ARC/Syria will soon start to supply warm food to needy
    families, at least twice a week. An initial sum has already been
    transferred to our ARC colleagues, with the consistent hope that the
    need for this assistance will end soon. The ARS will continue its
    discrete endeavors in serving the needs of the Syrian-Armenian
    community, with a thorough understanding of the seriousness of the
    present situation, focusing on real needs, giving our very best in a
    systematic and organized manner."

    All ARS entities continue to receive donations for the Syrian-Armenian
    community. The ARS Central office is in daily contact with Aleppo,
    being apprised of the rising needs and working to satisfy them in
    cooperation with the all-Armenian fundraising endeavors.

    ALEPPO: The National Karen Jeppe Jemaran, the National Haygazian
    School, the National Sahakian School, the National Gulbenkian School,
    the National Zavarian School, the Armenian Catholic Mekhitarian
    School, the Armenian Catholic Zwartnots School, the Armenian
    Evangelical Bethel School, the L. Najarian-Kalousd Gulbenkian School,
    the Grtasirats-Chemberjian Secondary School, the Cilician School

    DAMASCUS: The National United School, the Holy Translators School, the
    Sahakian School, the Armenian Catholic "Light" School, the Armenian
    Catholic "Lighthouse" School, the Armenian Catholic United School, the
    Armenian Catholic Sisters School

    Kesab: The National "Usumnasirats" United Jemaran, the Armenian
    Catholic "Hope" School, the Armenian Evangelical "Martyrs" School

    OTHER: The National Kamishli school, the "Yeprad" School, the Latakia
    National "Martyrs" School, the Yakoubieh National "Veratznund" School,
    the Racca National Nubarian School, the Hasakeh National Mesrobian
    School, the Derik National "Liberty" School, the Ras-el-Ayn National
    "Martyrs" School
