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Nsw Parliament Passes Motion Praising Anc Australia

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  • Nsw Parliament Passes Motion Praising Anc Australia


    16:06 20.11.2012

    In a formal motion adopted by the New South Wales Legislative Council
    the Armenian National Committee of Australia received the unanimous
    praise of the House for its ongoing and dedicated work.

    The motion was moved the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC as part of the formal
    business of the day.

    Upon hearing of the motion, ANC Australia Executive Director Vache
    Kahramanian remarked: "This is a great surprise for the Armenian
    National Committee of Australia. We are deeply humbled and honoured
    for this recognition by New South Wales."

    This motion comes after the conclusion of the 2012 Advocacy Week
    which yielded significant results to the Armenian-Australian community.

    Motion by the Hon. Marie Ficarraagreed:

    1. That this House notes that:

    (a) on 2 November 2012, the Armenian National Committee [ANC] of
    Australia held its fifth annual Banquet Dinner at Miramare Gardens
    in Terrey Hills, and

    (b) the proceeds of this event go towards supporting the efforts of
    the Armenian-Australian community across the country.

    2. That this House acknowledges that:

    (a) Armenian National Committee Australia seeks to:

    (i) ensure that the Armenian genocide is resolved and acknowledged
    in a truthful and just manner,

    (ii) strengthen the social fabric of the Armenian Republic,

    (iii) see the international and military security of Artsakh secured,

    (b) the keynote speaker of this event was Turkish-born author Taner
    Akcam, and:

    (i) Mr Akcam is an internationally renowned Turkish historian and

    (ii) Mr Akcam is one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge
    the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire,

    (iii) Mr Akcam is a notable advocate of reconciliation between Armenia
    and Turkey, specifically in regards to the issue of genocide,

    (c) over 250 members of the Armenian community were present at the
    banquet dinner,

    (d) the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP, Minister for Transport, the Hon.

    Marie Ficarra, MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, the Hon.

    Walt Secord, MLC, the Hon. Amanda Fazio, MLC, Mr Jonathan O'Dea, MP,
    and Reverend the Hon. Fred Nile, Assistant-President, attended the
    event, and

    (e) the fifth Armenian National Committee Australia Annual
    Banquet raised over $75,000 in donations to aid the efforts of the
    Armenian-Australian community.

    3. That this House congratulates the humanitarian efforts of the
    Armenian National Committee Australia and encourage their work into
    addressing the needs and concerns of the Australian-Armenian community
    in the future.
