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Armenia: Elite Corruption Or Show Without Intrigue

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  • Armenia: Elite Corruption Or Show Without Intrigue


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Nov 20 2012

    Susanna Petrosian, Yerevan. Exclusively for VK

    In early November, the government chaired by Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan discussed the fight against corruption. An advisor to the
    president, Georgy Kutoyan, talked about the intensification of the
    government's anti-corruption policy. Participants at the meeting
    proposed creating specialized working groups, which will identify
    the causes of corruption and ensure transparency of programs, and to
    engage civil society.

    This meeting was preceded by a statement made by President Serzh
    Sargsyan on the need to intensify the fight against corruption. The
    president demanded that the government take decisive actions to ensure
    "tangible and visible" changes. After that, the head of the Cabinet of
    Ministers issued a call for cooperation with public and international
    organizations, as well as political forces, including the opposition,
    citing the need for a move to strengthen the fight against corruption.

    Neither the "Prosperous Armenia" party nor the radical opposition
    party the Armenian National Congress (ANC) have responded to the
    prime minister's invitation. Naira Zohrabyan, a member of Prosperous
    Armenia, said that the party will take part in a common fight if the
    government answers what talks given in front of people in rural areas
    cost the budget $16.6 million.

    The ANC mentioned that corruption in Armenia is systemic, while the
    pyramid of corruption is identical to the pyramid of power, with
    Serge Sargsyan at its top. In these circumstances, the ANC refused
    to participate in the meeting, calling it a theatrical performance.

    Indeed, in Armenia nowadays only a few believe in the desire of
    the authorities to fight corruption. The origins of mistrust lie in
    everyday life, where citizens face this phenomenon everywhere - from
    schools to hospitals. According to numerous polls, the population
    of Armenia considers police, courts and education to be the most
    corrupt spheres.

    To better understand the policies pursued by the authorities
    in fighting corruption we should turn to the year 2004, when a
    special council to fight corruption, headed by the Prime Minister,
    was established by decree of President Robert Kocharyan. The council
    includes the Attorney General, the Minister of Justice and the head
    of the inspection service of the president. The council held 18
    meetings at which it discussed the fight against corruption. However,
    neither Armenian society nor international organizations have seen
    any significant changes in this area. The fight against corruption
    was limited to statements of various kinds, long discussions and
    presentations of anti-corruption programs. This fundamental struggle
    affected only a few low level officials, doctors and university

    The line-up of the council also causes many question. It mostly
    consists of high-ranking officials, who are the owners of luxury
    villas, and have shops and real estate officially owned by other

    Only in the last week, two opposition newspapers - "Fourth Despotism"
    and "Armenian Times" - have published a number of incriminating
    materials. According to one of them, a member of the council board,
    the head of the inspection service of the president, has acquired a
    large number of apartments in a luxury building in Yerevan by fraud.

    Another "fighter against corruption," the Attorney General, was
    presented with an expensive Jeep. The head of the State Revenue
    Committee, Gagik Khachatryan, is the owner of an endless number
    of businesses, shops and cafes, as well as companies importing and
    manufacturing such products as "Apeiron", "Megafut," etc.

    The press has repeatedly raised these issues. Similar findings have
    been published in WikiLeaks. However, none of those whose names are
    mentioned in numerous publications have attempted to refute this
    information, let alone go to court. Apparently, the law-enforcement
    agencies also have had no interest in this information.

    The question of the Prosperous Armenia's representative regarding the
    cost of lectures also remains unanswered. There are 900 villages in
    Armenia, which means each lecture must have cost a thousand dollars.

    However, this figure cannot justify the amount spent, even if the
    lectures were read by Nobel Prize recipients.

    The director of the Armenian office of the organization "Transparency
    International", Varuzhan Hoktanian, says new manifestations of
    corruption are being revealed in the world - "elite" corruption, which
    also exists in Armenia, where the political elite is considered to be
    above the law. Research conducted in 2010 and 2011 shows that Armenia
    is 129th to 133rd in terms of elite corruption out of 180 countries.

    At the core of elite corruption is the systemic corruption in its
    so-called hierarchical manifestation. It perpetrates a vicious circle.

    And one more important detail: the council for the fight against
    corruption ceased meeting two years ago. How was it that the
    government has suddenly remembered about this institution? The answer
    is clear. The presidential election is taking place soon and it is
    important to actualize what society is mostly concerned with. However,
    in reality the "new wave of fighting corruption" has become a failed
    attempt at populism or a show lacking intrigue.
