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Arf-D Propositions For The 2013 Budget

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  • Arf-D Propositions For The 2013 Budget

    November 15, 2012

    For the past two weeks the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia is
    deliberating on the 2013 State Budget. The political parties and the
    Prime minister have delivered their assessments and projections. The
    three oppositional parties, Armenian National Congress (HAK), ARF-D
    and Heritage (Zharangutyun) as well as the self-considered alternative
    choice Prosperous Armenia Party have announced that they will vote
    against the draft brought to discussion by the government.

    On behalf of ARF-D, Artsvik Minasyan criticized the government's draft
    and underlined that it offers no solution to Armenia's problems like
    unemployment, emigration and the need to improve the justice system.

    At the same time, the opposition combined its criticism with the
    presentation of its propositions.

    The Prime minister thanked the Parliament for their work and said
    that the government has received more than 60 propositions.

    ARF-D's propositions for the 2013 state budget and the on-going
    social-economical policy are as follows: 1. In order to cope with the
    challenges that the country faces, it is necessary to quickly draw
    a new social-economical development strategy with the participation
    of civic and political forces and the involvement in the process,
    of capable forces.

    2. It is imperative to stop seeing the budget as an end-in-itself
    policy. Budgets must be drawn at least on a three-year basis and must
    be considered as a means, projecting medium and long term guidelines.

    3. The targets of the social-economical development must be: increasing
    employment to at least 65%, taking investments to at least 35% of the
    GDP, taking in the long term the budget revenue diversification and
    state budget revenues to GDP ratio, to at least 35%, the taxes to GDP
    ratio, to at least 25%, getting the share from direct taxes to 50%
    of the tax revenues.

    4. The 2013 budget draft predicts 1031.6 billion drams of revenues. We
    propose to increase them by 50 billion drams, for the following
    purposes (the justification of which was presented to the government
    in written) a. Support for industrial development, addressed abroad
    - 2 billion drams b. Support for the drawing and implementation of
    the settlement project in Mountainous Karabakh - 10 billion drams
    c. Integration of Diaspora project - 50 million drams. Increase of
    funding for the relief of Syrian Armenians that have moved to Armenia
    and Mountainous Karabakh Republic.

    d. State support for farmers' arable land intended use and purchase
    of fertilizers, seed and fuel - 4 billion drams.

    e. Increase the scientific thematic projects by 100 and raise average
    salary to 120.000 drams - 1.3 billion drams f. Planning, exporting
    and creating distribution networks for innovation projects in the
    non metal mining field - 0.5 billion dram.

    g. Development of the infrastructure in frontline territories -
    8 billion drams.

    h. Multiplication of the financial assistance for the birth of the
    third child or more - 8.2 billion drams.

    i. Increase of the minimum salary - 16 billion drams.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress