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Turkish Public Says Aliyev Threatens Regional Peace

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  • Turkish Public Says Aliyev Threatens Regional Peace


    November 21, 2012 - 16:45 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - It's no secret that the concept "one nation with
    two states" is meaningful only for Baku, the latter treating Ankara
    as its big brother. Despite this, Turkey queens it over Azerbaijanis
    and is unlikely to make any sacrifices.

    Turkish citizens' reaction to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's
    cynical statements on Armenia can be brought as a proof.

    Aliyev earlier dubbed "Armenia a country of no value, a colony,
    an outpost run from abroad." Moreover he called Armenia "territory
    artificially created on ancient Azerbaijani lands." "Azerbaijan grows
    stronger and more powerful with every passing year, while Armenia
    weakens and declines every year," Azeri leader said.

    Meanwhile, Turkish readers' reaction to Aliyev's remarks surprised

    "Not very statesmanlike behavior. His dad was a smart man, but Ilham
    did not get any of his tact and diplomacy and he is dragging Turkey
    down with him," a Hurriyet Daily News reader commented on Aliyev's

    "This guy is nothing but a threat to the regional peace. Don't
    forget that he is responsible for the failure of Armenian-Turkish
    rapprochement," another comment reads.

    Another Turkish reader posted the following comment, "With oil
    declining 8% again this year in Azerbaijan, hysteria is the only way
    Aliyev can maintain power. Most industry analysts agree that Azeri
    oil output picked about 3 years ago and oil production will decline
    every year. Yes, oil made lots of money for some Azeris, but most of
    the regular population still lives in poverty. Not saying that Armenia
    is paradise on earth, but regular Azeris have just as much problems
    as Armenians do." Armenian National Assembly vice speaker Eduard
    Sharmazanov dubbed Aliyev "totalitarian leader of a totalitarian
    country." "Aliyev shows by his cynical remarks that there are still
    supporters of fascism in the 21st century, and that this ideology
    flourishes thanks to leaders like him," parliament vice speaker said,
    adding that Aliyev's statement is reminiscent of the 1930s-1940s and
    Nazi leader Adolf Hitler," he told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

    From: Baghdasarian