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From Whom Azerbaijan Defends Pipes?

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  • From Whom Azerbaijan Defends Pipes?

    Naira Hayrumyan
    Politics - Wednesday, 21 November 2012, 13:24

    Azerbaijan asked NATO to take under its custody the main export
    pipelines and energy infrastructures of the country, the experts of
    the Alliance told the Baku-based APA agency representative, who was
    in NATO headquarters one week ago.

    It is noteworthy that this happened after Armenia had threatened
    Azerbaijan. Recall, in answer to the militaristic statements of Baku,
    Armenia threatened to strike the energy infrastructures of Azerbaijan.

    Though, Baku is more likely to expect strikes on its pipelines not
    from Armenia, but from the Kurds of Iran, if Azerbaijan enters the
    anti-Iran coalition.

    Perhaps, Aliyev agreed to enter this coalition, and the worsening of
    the relations between Azerbaijan and Russia is determined by this
    reason. Recall, the second Azerbaijani Diaspora organization has
    been formed in Russia with the participation of Azeri billionaires
    Bagid Alekperov and others. This caused worries of the Aliyev
    administration. Besides, the pro-governmental press of Azerbaijan
    reports about Russia's intention to activate the Lezghian factor
    against Azerbaijan. The authorities already speak openly about
    some conflict with the Kremlin. Moreover, today, it was stated that
    the countries are possible to suspend the negotiations on the rent
    of Gabala.

    It is not ruled out that Russia learnt about Baku's intention to
    closely integrate into Western structures, including the anti-Iran
    coalition. Perhaps, this is the precondition of the West to enhance oil
    extraction in Azerbaijan. As we know, this year the oil extraction in
    Azerbaijan, which is carried out by Western companies, reduced by 10%,
    depriving the Azerbaijani regime of the only resource of income.

    Anyway, Azerbaijan's request to NATO is either a sign of final
    decision of Baku to change the foreign political course, or a message
    to Russia. Against this background, the statement of the French
    president about his messages to the Iranian leadership to be conveyed
    by Serzh Sargsyan is interesting. Perhaps, the messages included also
    the information on Azerbaijan's joining the anti-Iran coalition.
