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Recent Amendment In Csto Contract Increases Armenia's Role In The Re

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  • Recent Amendment In Csto Contract Increases Armenia's Role In The Re


    Armenia's ex-defense minister, General Lieutenant Vagharshak
    Harutyunyan speaking to referred to the recent amendments in
    the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), possibility of
    resumption of war and Armenia-Russia bilateral relations.

    - Mr Harutyunyan, recently the National Assembly has ratified the
    changes in the CSTO that has not been perceived unequivocally. In
    particular, the point that does not allow Armenia to locate troops
    without the consent of the CSTO member states in other countries,
    including in Nagorno Karabakh.

    - First, what has happened is not a legislative amendment but a
    clarification of a point that already exists in the agreement. I mean
    it is not a new approach, it is just a clarification. Yes, different
    concerns have been voiced in that regard that it restricts Armenia's
    sovereignty, and does not stem from our interests. Let's start from
    restriction of sovereignty: it would have been great if Armenia was
    able to ensure its security on its own. But neither Armenia's economy,
    nor the human resources allow the country to solve these issues today.

    Japan, Germany and other such like countries have military bases of
    other countries in their territories. Only the USA has more than 700
    bases in 130 countries of the world. It means Armenia is not doing any
    revelation and does it for solving one of the most important issues -
    the security.

    The developments in our region come to prove that Armenia has made a
    right decision by becoming CSTO's member. The analysis of regional
    situation shows that all the states are either in war conditions,
    or are under the direct threat of war - Armenia with Azerbaijan
    and Turkey, Iran with Israel and the West, Turkey with Syria, Iraq,
    Armenia, Greece, Georgia with Russia, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Azerbaijan
    has territorial disputes with Turkmenistan, Iran and Armenia. In such
    conditions the security issue is not significant for Armenia only,
    but the whole region as well.

    Thus, even if we partially concede our sovereignty, with it we at
    least ensure the state's security, independence and development. The
    new protocol strengthens the CSTO and raises Armenia's role in it
    as this point is addressed to the Asian states of the CSTO where the
    presence of the US military bases is up-to-date.

    We do not have such issue as today our security is guaranteed. I
    think it does not reduce Armenia's role but increases and not only
    in the region, but in global respect.

    As to the Nagorno Karabakh, it is not the issue of the protocol and
    naturally this amendment cannot influence Armenia-Karabakh relations.

    And if theoretically Armenia appears in a situation when protocol's
    provisions contradict Armenia's interests, there is a clear mechanism
    to withdraw from the protocol.

    -Opinions are being voiced that Russia has significantly weakened its
    impact in Armenia and tries to restore it. Do you agree with it? If
    yes, what do you think which are Russian forces in Armenia? Is it
    the Prosperous Armenia party (PAP), and if yes will Russia will try
    to bring this force to power nominating either Gagik Tsarukyan or
    Robert Kocharyan?

    -Different political forces may have different goals with different
    viewpoints stemming from them. If to assess Russia's impact on
    Armenia, it is necessary to clearly separate the periods. If during
    the soviet years I will agree with it. If to compare with 1991-92 it
    is not so. If to compare in accordance with spheres, Russia's role has
    increased first of all in economic, military and political fields,
    on the other hand it is necessary to note that during these years
    Armenia developed its relations with the Council of Europe, NATO,
    European Union and other international organizations and states,
    which I consider a normal process.

    In general, the states are trying to change the power in those
    countries which conduct policy against their interest. Russia does not
    have such issues with Armenia today and it does not need to interfere
    into the domestic political life of our country. Russian authorities
    have many times stated that Armenia is Russia's alley and it does not
    agree its relations with the outcome of elections. By the way, since
    independence Russia has interfered into Armenia's inner political
    developments the least.

    - Are there anti-Armenian moods in Russia? It is being said that the
    mandatory examination of Russian language for working migrants is a
    way "to show the Caucasians their place."

    - If there are anti-Russian moods in Armenia, there are anti-Armenian
    ones in Russia as well. The issue is on what level it is, and what
    policy the state has adopted.

    The relations, the signed agreements and Russia's policy toward Armenia
    during the past 20 years prove that Russia is a reliable ally for
    Armenia. It is not my conclusion or the result of my analysis but I
    can say it for sure as I was the direct participants of formation of
    Armenian-Russian military-political relations. As to the language,
    it is an international norm applied toward migrants.

    - In an interview to Wall Street Journal, Serzh Sargsyan said
    Azerbaijan is searching for a reason to resume war. In your opinion,
    is it for external consumption, or the danger has really increased?

    Recently the republicans in their speeches accentuate that they are to
    elect the Supreme commander, clearly stating about the war situation.

    - We should realize that today we are in war situation. And in such
    condition the resumption of war is not excluded.

    To prevent war it is necessary to ensure military balance and to choose
    the right military-political alliances and allies with who Armenia's
    interests coincide and to voice from international arenas about
    Azerbaijan's bellicose, ammunition build-up, cease-fire violations.

    I think Serzh Sargsyan's statements were addressed to it. As to
    the resumption of war, I think it is less possible as today the
    military-political situation in the region and world does not allow
    Azerbaijan to resume war and win. Azerbaijan's strategy is to promote
    immigration in Armenia by threatening with the war and forcing Armenia
    to make concessions in the Nagorno Karabakh issue.
