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Azerbaijani Fm: No Aid To Israel

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  • Azerbaijani Fm: No Aid To Israel


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Nov 21 2012

    "Suddeutsche Zeitung", translated by Orkhan Sattarov

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has denied reports
    that Azerbaijan is ready to support Israel in its attack on Iran's
    nuclear facilities. In a conversation with Suddeutsche Zeitung he
    justified massive arms at the disposal of his country, and called
    the conflict with neighboring Armenia "one of the biggest risks to
    the security of the region."

    "The use of military bases in Azerbaijan by Israeli air forces is
    impossible - Mammadyarov said. - All issues regarding the Iranian
    nuclear program should be resolved by diplomatic means. A large
    number of Azerbaijanis live in Iran, and we do not want them to
    become victims of this war." The US media have reported earlier with
    reference to the military establishment, that in case of an attack on
    Iran, Israeli bombers could be using military airports in neighboring
    Azerbaijan for refueling. Azerbaijan shares a border with Iran which
    is 600 km. The former Soviet republic has good diplomatic relations
    with Israel, the countries also cooperate in the military sphere.

    Azerbaijan, which had an oil boom in 1998 leading to an impressive
    economic growth is becoming a more and more confident regional power
    in the South Caucasus. Parallel to that it is in the process of
    large-scale arming. In 2011, the country has doubled its military
    budget to 2.4 billion euros, which is 6.2% of country's GDP. It
    spring it became known that Azerbaijan signed a military deal with
    Israel worth 1.2 billion euros. While Israel considers it necessary
    to arm its ally situated on the border with Iran, Azerbaijan has other
    priorities. Since the war over Nagorno-Karabakh started in the 1990s,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia have not been at peace. "Nagorno-Karabakh and
    seven other regions of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia, - Mammadyarov
    said. - Everywhere in these regions there have been ethnic cleansings
    in its worst forms." Four resolutions of the UN Security Council
    have demanded an immediate withdrawal of Armenian troops from the
    Azerbaijani territory. Unfortunately, Armenia has not realized these
    demands to date, the minister said.

    When the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev pardoned Ramil Safarov,
    the murderer of an Armenian officer, the tension between the two
    countries increased. The Azerbaijani army lieutenant, who participated
    at a seminar in the framework of a NATO program "Partnership for Peace"
    in Budapest in 2004, entered the room of an Armenian participant of
    the seminar at night and killed him with an ax. After the Hungarian
    justice extradited Safarov who had been convicted for life in Budapest
    back to his homeland, he was welcomed in Azerbaijan, immediately
    pardoned and promoted in rank. Mammadyarov has called the incident
    in Budapest "regrettable," but said that it must be considered in a
    broader context: "The problem lies not in Safarov, but in the occupied
    territories. Given the fact that Armenian soldiers are present on
    our territory and that the Azerbaijanis, who were expelled from
    these areas and whose family members were brutally murdered - and
    Safarov was one of those who had been expelled - it becomes clear
    that such incidents are going happen." According to the minister,
    the pardoning of Safarov has not been detrimental to the image of
    Azerbaijan: "I would say that the case of Safarov again brought the
    conflict on the international agenda. Safarov is a consequence while
    the cause is the war and the expulsion of people. "

    Mammadyarov has also explained that a high budget of the military is
    due to the conflict with Armenia. "Yes, Azerbaijan is strengthening
    its defense capability, but it would be surprising if a country with
    20% of its territory occupied would not be increasing its military
    budget." The fact that Azerbaijani military budget exceeds the entire
    budget of Armenia is certainly putting pressure on a more unfortunate
    neighbor. Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan will be happy to lower
    its military budget but only if Armenia withdraws its troops from
