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Athlete King's Story May Repeat

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  • Athlete King's Story May Repeat

    Siranuysh Papyan
    Interview - Wednesday, 21 November 2012, 16:31

    Interview with Arsen Kharatyan, specialist of oriental studies and
    conflict management

    Arsen, why was the idea of the parliamentary government put forth
    ahead of the presidential election?

    I think there are two reasons why those deliberations have intensified
    now. The opposition used to say it will win the election and form
    government and govern better than others without offering a change of
    the ideology of governance. Now it is trying to create a conceptual
    proposal noting that transformation from presidential to parliamentary
    government, that is structural, institutional change will enable
    progress in the country. I think this is also to be explained by the
    processes in Georgia. In fact, in 2013 Georgia will be a parliamentary
    republic after the enforcement of the amended constitution. And I
    think the Armenian discussions are under the influence of the Georgian
    political developments. The same goes for Tsarukyan's image. It is
    hinted that Ivanishvili came to politics and changed the government
    with the help of money.

    The PAP's being opposition will be tested soon. I think some color
    has added to the political field because an attempt is made to form
    an opposite pole to the RPA. The attempt to oppose the government
    shows that the philosophy of eternal enemies and eternal interests
    prevails, evidence to which is the ARF-ANC cooperation. There is
    logic from the point of view of the political processes but there
    is a problem from the point of view of principles. Will they go so
    far as to cooperate with Kocharyan to oppose the RPA and Prosperous
    Armenia? The main motivation for empowering Prosperous Armenia as a
    potent force is money. I cannot see a program of development of this
    party in terms of ideology.

    Arsen, why are there the same people and discourse in this election?

    There are a lot of unsolved issues which leave the political life in
    stagnation. The political actors are to be withdrawn from the cycle
    of 88, the truth about March 1 has not been revealed, this issue is
    out of the political agenda, everyone is silent and friends, there
    is not even a monument to the victims of March 1 that would remind
    citizens about this important stage of the fight for freedom.

    There is no change of generation. The civic groups should move to
    the political field but they are not self-organized and united for
    different reasons to target the parliamentary election 2017, for
    instance, and accumulate human, intellectual and financial resource
    because we can see that revolutions fail in our country.

    What part of the society will vote for civic activists?

    I think the society can see who is able to resolve problems and
    will try to rely on them. They cannot see anyone in the government
    and the opposition who resolves problems or has a clear political
    reason so they will sell their votes to Serzh Sargsyan. It will be
    interesting if Tsarukyan is nominated. King Varazdat of Arshakides
    was an Olympic champion who was described by Khorenatsi as a person
    with weak intellectual capacity who was one of the most powerful
    kings ruling after King Pap's murder. I do not know if this is
    possible now. The opposition may praise him, he owns a TV channel,
    the pro-opposition internet newspapers may be flooded with stories on
    Tsarukyan's strengths, and once rehabilitated, Tsarukyan may become the
    joint candidate against Serzh Sargsyan. Will it be followed by another
    wave of popular protest and March 2008? Show me a situation which
    would lead to Serzh Sargsyan's resignation, similar to Saakashvili?

    Moreover, having seen what is going on in Georgia, the government
    will do everything to hold on to power. Arrests of former officials
    and fugitives are enough arguments to hold on to power.

    As to Oskanian, danger is hanging over his head, and he may be sent to
    jail any time, which will be a blunder by the regime. Oskanian will
    become a hero right away, will be cleared immediately and become a
    political prisoner.

    Robert Kocharyan denies that he backs PAP. Is his return possible?

    I think the processes are a little more complicated. I don't think
    Prosperous Armenia is in Robert Kocharyan's pocket. It would be
    ingenuous to think so given Kocharyan's statement on supporting
    proportionate representation, trying to keep the discussion that
    he is the PAP active. However, if it turns out to be true, it will
    appear that Ter-Petrosyan is ready to cooperate with Kocharyan
    against Serzh Sargsyan. It is impossible to imagine more immorality
    nevertheless there were some recent cases. I would like to remind
    the first president his statement made two 2 years ago that he will
    run in the election if Kocharyan runs too. I would like to know that
    Ter-Petrosyan continues to elaborate PAP's image, focusing on the
    explanation of this party's material interests in them. If Tsarukyan
    is nominated and supported by the opposition and wins the election, we
    will be taken back to the 4th century. The story of Varazdat Arshakide
    will repeat. Note that King Varazdat ruled for only 4 years and then
    there was the first division of Armenia though the latter was followed
    by the invention of the Armenian alphabet. Who knows this sad story
    may end up in a Golden Age.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress