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Opposition Licensed Election Fraud

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  • Opposition Licensed Election Fraud

    Naira Hayrumyan
    Country - Thursday, 22 November 2012, 12:34

    After the failure of them motion to call an extraordinary parliamentary
    session the Armenian opposition and the "alternative" made such a
    noise about that as if Galust Sahakyan had dated them in parliament
    but didn't arrive. Sahakyan had stated at the very beginning that
    the Republican parliamentary group wouldn't attend the session. Why
    are they angry now?

    The opposition and the "alternative" claim that the RPA is against
    the reform of the electoral system and is going to rig the upcoming
    presidential elections.

    Why should the ruling party need a reform of the current voting
    system? Ahead of the parliamentary election in May they had fixed
    and greased and tried out the machine and it is a pity to ruin it now.

    Moreover, the opposition and the "alternative" did nothing during the
    parliamentary elections in order to break it. On the contrary, they
    recognized the election outcome without complaints. No one rejected
    the parliamentary mandates. Moreover, the joint campaign headquarters
    ensured the flawless work of the machine.

    How come two months before the next election they suddenly stood up
    to destroy the machine? How come the same opposition gave an approval
    to use it by accepting the results of the parliamentary elections?

    Why should the RPA want to ruin the machine if it is sure that the
    opposition will not take up decisive steps and will recognize the
    election return? The opposition and the "alternative" have already
    proven that there will be no abrupt steps. The only thing they can
    do is to shake their fists after the fight.

    Participation in elections by an evidently flawed system means issuance
    of a license for its conduct. Political forces which think there is
    an election falsification machine in the country should undertake more
    active steps to break it. This could be done by direct boycott of the
    elections or a call for street protests, resignation from parliament
    or many other actions allowed by the Constitution, by the way.

    The lack of such methods means that the indignation of the opposition
    and the "alternative" is just a means to make sure people will attend
    their political actions in order to demand dividends after Serzh
    Sargsyan's re-election. Do the opposition and the "alternative" on
    behalf of Prosperous Armenia want to break the election machine or
    are they satisfied with the crumbs from the master's table?

    From: Baghdasarian