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Iran may look north to skirt US sanctions

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  • Iran may look north to skirt US sanctions

    The National, UAE
    Nov 24 2012

    Iran may look north to skirt US sanctions

    by Justin Vela
    Nov 25, 2012

    YEREVAN // As legislators in the United States debate new sanctions
    for Iran, both the regime and ordinary Iranian citizens are looking to
    their northern neighbours in the South Caucasus, the region between
    Turkey and Russia, as a way to maintain links to the outside world.

    Siyamak Bolandi, an Iranian businessman who has lived in Armenia's
    capital city of Yerevan for the past 13 years and imports carpets from
    Iran, said that even his business has been affected by the strength of
    international sanctions on Iran.

    "I also import goods from Turkey," he said. "If I was only working
    with Iran my business would suffer by 50 per cent."

    Yet, he said, life is far more difficult for his countrymen still
    living in Iran, some of who he has seen try to bring their savings to
    Armenia to avoid depreciation.

    The sanctions in the works by the US have been described as targeting
    everything from Iranian assets overseas to all foreign goods that the
    country imports, building on the tough sanctions package against
    Tehran's oil industry that was pushed through by the US earlier this
    year. The sanctions have hit Iran's economy hard in recent months,
    imposed over Iran's nuclear programme, which the West suspects is
    aimed at weapons development. Iran denies the charge, saying its
    programme is for peaceful purposes such as power generation and cancer

    Armenia, Iran's isolated northern neighbour, has enjoyed close
    relations with Tehran for centuries. With two of its four borders
    closed because of disputes with Turkey and Azerbaijan, landlocked
    Armenia is reliant on Iran as an important trade route and, recently,
    a partner for energy projects.

    In the past few years, visiting Iranians have started buying
    apartments and other property in Yerevan. Apartment prices remain
    inflated in Tehran, while real estate in Georgia and Armenia is "cheap
    by world standards", said Lawrence Scott Sheets, South Caucasus
    project director for the International Crisis Group.

    Shirak Torosian, vice president of the Yerevan branch of TeleTrade
    Armenia, who is originally from Iran, said the investments began when
    the value of the US dollar dropped a few years ago.

    "They are still coming over with suitcases full of money," he said,
    adding that these days most Iranians arriving in Armenia come to
    gamble. "It's not just sanctions. There is more trust in Armenia. The
    future is better."

    Under the sanctions, companies from Europe, Asia and elsewhere selling
    machinery and other products to Iran would have to stop or face being
    cut off from the US market. Banks whose clients are making
    transactions with Iran would face a similar penalty if they did not
    break off relations. And Iranian assets in financial institutions
    overseas would have to be frozen.

    According to some analysts, Iranian activity in the South Caucasus is
    probably too small to concern the international community.

    "As long as these small countries in the South Caucasus engage Iran
    only at a very limited scale no one is going to complain about that.
    It happens to be pretty beneficial to those countries," says Mr

    "It's not sanction busting. There is a degree of sanction
    manipulation," said another diplomat. "The scale is the critical
    factor. If it is small scale, fine. If it is large scale, the
    international community would be really interested."

    As pressure on Iran mounts, however, analysts say there is the
    potential for the regime to attempt to use its close ties with the
    region to carry out attacks against its enemies or increase its
    "manipulation" of sanctions.

    Though Tehran denies its involvement in the incident, an attempted
    attack on a staff member of the Israeli embassy in Tbilisi, the
    Georgian capital, in February, was blamed on the regime.

    On November 8, officials from Iran and Armenia broke ground for the
    long-planned US$330 million (Dh1.2 billion) Megrhi hydroelectric plant
    along the Arax river between the two countries. The 130-megawatt plant
    will be built by an Iranian company and Iran will use the electricity
    generated by the plant for the next 15 years. Afterwards, ownership of
    the plant will be transferred to Armenia.

    Bilateral trade amounted to $323 million last year, about 6 per cent
    of Armenia's external trade. There is also a security aspect to the
    relationship, with Iran backing Armenia against its long-standing
    nemesis Azerbaijan.

    "Look at the juxtaposition: Azerbaijan's closest ties are with Israel
    and the United States," said ICG's Mr Sheets. "Armenia's relations
    with Iran are purely pragmatic."

    The new sanctions on Iran will test Armenia's loyalties between its
    old ally Iran and its new European orientation, said Richard
    Giragosian, director of the Yerevan-based Regional Studies Centre

    In August, Reuters reported that the Iranian regime was attempting to
    expand banking relationships in Armenia as a "convenient' location
    where it could skirt international sanctions. Armenian officials
    strongly denied the report, although their adherence to international
    banking sanctions against Iran has been questioned in the past by
    western officials.

    Yet, Mr Giragosian said, Iran looks at the South Caucasus as a region
    where it could procure "critical elements" that sanctions have

    "Many [Iranian] Revolutionary Guard units have pursued over the past
    several years setting up joint ventures with foreign partners - front
    companies - designed to pursue technical spare parts for military use
    and nuclear centrifuge development," he said.

    Such front companies have been closed in recent years in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.

    "There is new concern that Armenia, Georgia, India, and maybe even
    Turkey may become attractive for such a pursuit," said Mr Giragosian.
