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Russia Promotes People-to-People Contacts

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  • Russia Promotes People-to-People Contacts

    Russia Promotes People-to-People Contacts

    Naira Hayrumyan
    Politics - Saturday, 24 November 2012, 15:08

    The Union of Armenians of Russia and the organization of Azerbaijanis
    of Russia have adopted a joint declaration on quarterly cultural and
    sports events living side by side in peace.

    Apparently, Russia has assumed the task of people-to-people contacts
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan which the Western foundations have been
    doing for many years without success. The decision might be the result
    of slowing down the settlement of the Karabakh conflict agreed by all
    the sides and mediators.

    The Western mediators have announced that all the efforts will be
    directed at building confidence between the peoples. Most probably,
    grants will be awarded and the Armenian and Azerbaijani NGOs will meet
    somewhere in Georgia or the Aland Islands, speak to each other, make
    sure that their positions cannot be brought closer and part. If it has
    any result, it will be reflected in the current relations between the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani people.

    Perhaps Russia has chosen another way which will be equally futile. In
    the beginning, Russia organized visits of Armenian and Azerbaijani
    intellectuals to Karabakh and Baku. However, these visits were like
    confidential actions which eventually deepened the lack of confidence.
    Now Russia is promoting the relations between the Diasporas, perhaps
    finding their influence on their respective governments high enough to
    melt the ice.

    This is not exactly so. The relations between the Diasporas may play a
    big role in saving tens of peaceful Armenians and Azerbaijanis who are
    killed in restaurants and schools in the result of meaningless ethnic
    clashes. However, the Diasporas have no influence on their countries'
    governments. All the more so that the policies of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan are made not only by the governments but also geopolitical

    So what should be done to break the ice between the two peoples and
    set up contacts between them? Perhaps the best platform would be
    economic cooperation.

    The mediators also seem to be inclined for this, gradually leading to
    communication between the sides. The first step has been taken.
    Georgia has proposed opening the Abkhazian railway. Experts say it
    will be followed by the operation of the railway running across
    Nakhidjevan. Economic and other use from these projects will be

    The Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Russia might be trying to
    incline their governments to this approach. Time will show whether the
    countries and mediators will come to terms. Now it is necessary to
    break the ice but not in prejudice of vital interests.
